Notes On Life Christian Ministry

NOL Radio Broadcasts on the
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Monday-Friday at 7:55 AM

or 4:55 PM in Chattanooga, TN

  Theme Music “Mountain Dance” used with permission courtesy of David Benoit Music  

  2024     |     2023     |     2022  

Broadcast Date Click To Read
This Message
Topic Click To Listen/Play Thumbnail
  2024-09-04     0864   Belief As Opposed To Trust 

  2024-08-29     0703   There Is Always AnEnd Date 

  2024-08-26     0502   Delayed Obedience Is Dis-Obedience 

  2024-08-20     0505   I Didn’t See That Coming! 

  2024-08-19     0617   Cut The Chain To Sin 

  2024-08-16     0622   On Which Side Of The Cross Are You? 

  2024-08-15     0692   No One Has To Teach You How to  

  2024-08-14     0546   Don’t Just 'Mind,' But DO Your OWN Business 

  2024-06-28     0845   Feed On The Word Of God DAILY 

  2024-06-27     0846   “But I’m A GOOD PERSON!!” 

  2024-06-26     0848   Satan’s Best Tactic To Justify Sin 

  2024-06-25     0847   What Is Your Playbook? 

  2024-06-24     0849   The Father of Lies -or- The Father of Light 

  2024-06-21     0850   The Power of the Shield Of FAITH 

  2024-06-20     0851   What It Really Means When God Asks You A Question 

  2024-06-19     0852   Having A Faithful Mind 

  2024-06-18     0853   Fear?!? or Fear NOT! 

  2024-06-17     0854   Want -vs- Need 

  2024-04-15     0548   Walk Through This Door Before That Door CLOSES! 

  2024-04-12     0549   The Opposites of Clean and Straight 

  2024-04-11     0550   Our Three Deadly Enemies 

  2024-04-10     0551   The Difference Between a Wedding and a Marriage 

  2024-04-09     0552   What You Planted Yesterday Is What You Will Harvest TODAY 

  2024-04-08     0553   Does Christianity Make People 'Good??' 

  2024-04-05     0833   The Difference Between 'It Broke' & “I Dropped It” 

  2024-04-04     0832   The Choice Between  

  2024-03-21     0554   If People Don’t Fear God They Won’t Fear Anything Else 

  2024-03-20     555   Yes! There Really Are Only TWO Kinds Of People In The World 

  2024-03-19     0556   Do Not Accept False For True 

  2024-03-18     0557   If There Is No God, You’d Better Be Right 

  2024-03-15     0822   Embrace A Fresh Beginning 

  2024-03-14     0558   May The &39;Force' Be With You (?) 

  2024-03-13     0559   You are FORMED by how You are INFORMED 

  2024-03-12     0561   This 'Open Enrollment' Will Close 

  2024-03-11     0562   The Only True Prophet 

  2024-03-08     0820   Let Go Of Procrastination 

  2024-03-07     0563   A Sure Recipe For Explosive Power! 

  2024-03-06     0564   Faith in God -vs- Faith in Your Faith 

  2024-03-05     0565   After Forgiveness… Apply Mercy 

  2024-03-04     0829   What The Gospel IS  

  2024-03-01     0828   Check Your Course - Chart It With God’s Word 

  2024-02-29     0831   You Never Have To Apologize For Something You DIDN’T SAY 

  2024-02-28     0830   The Four Doors Of The Afterlife 

  2024-02-27     0829   What The Gospel IS (…and what it IS NOT) 

  2024-02-26     0812   Commitment -vs- Sacrifice 

  2024-02-23     0823   Come To Jesus Just.. As.. You.. Are 

  2024-02-22     0824   The Value Of TIME 

  2024-02-21     0825   When God Is Working Behind The Curtain 

  2024-02-20     0826   There is Safety In His 'ARMS' 

  2024-02-19     0827   It’s Not About Circumstances 

  2024-01-31     0801   Embrace A Fresh Beginning 

  2024-01-29     0800   Not My Will, But God’s Will 

  2024-01-26     0802   God’s Word Is INSPIRING 

  2024-01-25     0778   God’s Voice Rejoices Over The World 

  2024-01-24     0777   Right Is Right - Wrong is Wrong - SIN is SIN 

  2024-01-23     0776   What Does Jesus Mean “Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me? 

  2024-01-22     0818   There Are Better Gods Than god 

  2024-01-19     0814   How Much Time Do You Have Left? 

  2024-01-18     0815   You can run TOWARDS Your Choices But you can’t FLEE Your Consequences 

  2024-01-17     0816   You Are (truly) One of a Kind! 

  2024-01-16     0817   Do You Have It In Your Budget To Pay Attention? 

  2024-01-15     0796   The Umbrella Of FAITH 

  2024-01-12     0793   You Can Interpret What Is 'True' One of Two Ways 

  2024-01-11     0804   We Live By Promises Not By Explanations 

  2024-01-10     0805   On Which Side Of This Door Are You? 

  2024-01-09     0806   Take The Entire Dose As Recommended 

  2024-01-08     0807   Context -or- Notext 

  2024-01-02     0791   Being IN The World -vs- The World NOT In US 

  2024-01-01     0321   Give God’s Grace In This New Year! 

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