Notes On Life Christian Ministry

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Monday-Friday at 7:55 AM

or 4:55 PM in Chattanooga, TN
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Theme Music “Mountain Dance” used with permission courtesy of David Benoit Music

  2024     |     2023     |     2022  

Broadcast Date Click To Read
This Message
Topic Click To Listen/Play Thumbnail
  2023-12-29     0808   Satan Is NOT WHO Or WHAT You Think He Is 

  2023-12-28     0809   The Power Of Negative Affirmations 

  2023-12-27     0810   Do You Love To Sin? 

  2023-12-26     0811   Always Listen To His Voice 

  2023-11-14     0802   God’s Word Is INSPIRING 

  2023-11-13     0803   Hell is Fun, Heaven is Boring 

  2023-11-01     0798   Walk In The Light, Not The Darkness 

  2023-10-31     0799   Big Problems  

  2023-10-30     800   Which Pedal Are You Driving With? 

  2023-10-27     0797   The Umbrella of Faith 

  2023-10-25     0795   The Three Essential Elements of Physical & Spiritual Life 

  2023-10-24     0794   You Can Interpret What Is 'True' One of Two Ways 

  2023-10-23     0792   Being IN The World -vs- The World NOT In US 

  2023-10-20     0566   Adam and Eve Were Both WOKE! 

  2023-10-19     0567   What PATH Is Your Life Program Following? 

  2023-10-18     0018   Wht Matters To God? 

  2023-10-17     0574   A Different 80/20 Rule 

  2023-10-16     0016   What Does It Mean To Be Holy? 

  2023-10-13     0690   Embrace The Wilderness 

  2023-10-12     0787   Friends KNOW Each Other 

  2023-10-11     0789   Are You Willing To Stand In The Gap? 

  2023-10-10     -791   The Way To Eternal Life Is Going Against The Crowd 

  2023-10-06     0593   The Only Man-Made Thing That Will Be In Heaven 

  2023-10-05     0599   Precision, Incision, Circumcision or DECISION? 

  2023-10-04     0600   The Deception of Bearing FALSE WITNESS 

  2023-10-03     0602   Going From NO To KNOW 

  2023-10-02     0790   Please Don’t Forward This Call! 

  2023-09-27     0775   Do You Have Indignation or Admiration For The Cross of Christ? 

  2023-09-26     0773   The Belief Switch 

  2023-09-25     0783   If You Are Wrong About Christ, It Doesn’t Matter What Else You Are Right About 

  2023-09-21     0784   Stand Strong For Christ And The Gospel 

  2023-09-20     0785   If You Were Arrested For Being A Christian Would There Be Enough Evidence To Convict You? 

  2023-09-19     0786   The Gospel Is The Opposite Of Depraved Indifference 

  2023-09-14     0630   Only These People Are Free From God’s Wrath 

  2023-09-13     0687   Let Revival Begin With Me 

  2023-09-12     0014   Practice Unconditional Love 

  2023-09-11     0256   “We Will Rebuild” Was NOT The Right Response 

  2023-09-08     0690   Embrace The Wilderness 

  2023-09-07     0686   Can You Improve On The Original 

  2023-09-06     0480   The Time I Went Down A Slippery Slope 

  2023-09-05     0012   We All Need a Supernatural Blood Transfusion 

  2023-09-04     0694   Are You In Reverse, Neutral Or Drive About Christ? 

  2023-08-30     0009   What Does It Mean To Worship God? 

  2023-08-16     0700   This Is The Only Court In Which You Will Receive MERCY 

  2023-08-25     0697   Just Because You Don’t Understand Something Doesn’t Mean It’s Not True 

  2023-08-24     0698   An Invitation Too Good To Refuse 

  2023-08-23     0699   The Smallest Leak Will Sink The Largest Ship 

  2023-08-22     0705   Dying To Self 

  2023-08-21     0007   Give The Gift Of Encouragement 

  2023-08-18     0008   Why Do All Lives Matter? 

  2023-08-17     0774   Whatever You Are Doubting Means You Are Certain About Something Else 

  2023-08-11     0731   The Most Reliable Promise Keeper! 

  2023-08-10     0005   Find Hidden Treasures HERE!  

  2023-08-09     0732   When Deception Is Truth 

  2023-08-08     0004   DON’T WORRY! God Has A Perfect Plan For YOU! 

  2023-08-07     0746   “Creation…” Created, Itself (?!) 

  2023-08-04     0708   Verily, Verily & Amen, Amen! 

  2023-08-03     0006   Christians, Take Your Stand! 

  2023-08-02     0003   Check Your ATTITUDE For GRATITUDE 

  2023-08-01     0002   Change Your Atmosphere Sing God A New Song! 

  2023-07-31     0001   A Tandem Ride WIth Jesus 

  2023-07-28     0588   Why Do You Go To Church? 

  2023-07-27     0589   'Amusements' Aren’t What You Think They Are 

  2023-07-26     0769   What’s At The End Of The Rainbow? 

  2023-07-25     0770   Ready Or Not, Here He Comes! 

  2023-07-24     0772   Moving From Grief to Wholeness 

  2023-07-21     0311   Are You Walking On A Bridge To Nowhere? 

  2023-07-20     0310   Do you Have a “Heavenly IRA?” 

  2023-07-19     0560   You Can’t Have It Both Ways 

  2023-07-18     0626   Who Has Influenced Your Life The Most? 

  2023-07-17     0771   The Foolishness Of The Gospel 

  2023-07-14     0634   Moving From SURVIVE to THRIVE 

  2023-07-13     0649   Love Is Our Greatest Weapon 

  2023-07-12     0644   The Difference Between Knowledge & Wisdom 

  2023-07-11     0652   Short Term Gain  

  2023-07-10     0757   Caution! Center Lane Ending 

  2023-07-07     0766   Got TRUTH And the True Life? 

  2023-07-06     0568   Don’t Fall For An Enemy That Appears BIGGER Than You Think! 

  2023-07-05     0569   That Which Is NOT TESTED Cannot Be Trusted 

  2023-07-04     0221   Be Safe & SAVED on July 4th 

  2023-07-03     0577   Will Our Pets Be In Heaven? 

  2023-06-30     0768   “Fear Of The LORD?” Really?!? 

  2023-06-29     0767   Is THOU SHALT NOT Good -or- Bad? 

  2023-06-27     0765   The Danger Of Going From GLANCE-to-GAZE 

  2023-06-26     0764   Find Out For Yourself 

  2023-06-23     0756   Imagine Life In Heaven 

  2023-06-22     0572   The Difference Between HEREing & HEARing 

  2023-06-21     0571   You’ve Been BLINDED! So Take Off Your Blindfold 

  2023-06-20     0573   Your HOPE Will Not Become Reality Without FAITH 

  2023-06-19     0620   What's So UNATTRACTIVE About Christ That You Reject Him? 

  2023-06-16     0575   The Real Reason Why The Stone Was Rolled Out Of The Way 

  2023-06-15     0570   Real JUSTICE Is Not Defined by An Adjective 

  2023-06-14     0761   He Who Has Ears To Hear LET HIM HEAR 

  2023-06-13     0762   Do Not Look Into THAT Future! 

  2023-06-12     0578   Are You 'Prepping' With The Wrong Things? 

  2023-06-09     0635   Which Sign Will You Obey? 

  2023-06-08     0763   Are You Sure About That “The Devil Is Cool” Thing? 

  2023-06-07     0760   One Spot or Blemish Is All It Takes 

  2023-06-06     0758   What Does “Jesus Died For ME?” MEAN? 

  2023-06-02     0759   Got Trouble?!? There’s An APP for That! 

  2023-06-01     0584   What Does “I’m Not Religious, But I Am SPIRITUAL Mean? 

  2023-05-30     0587   Transforming An Earthly Body To An Eternal Body 

  2023-05-26     0755   The World Today is EXACTLY As It's Supposed To Be 

  2023-05-25     0208   Don’t Scroll Past God 

  2023-05-24     0706   Make These Life Declarations 

  2023-05-23     0585   God May Not Be Who You Think He Is 

  2023-05-22     0607   Religion is BAD! 

  2023-05-19     0612   Let’s Play the “God Casino” 

  2023-05-18     0614   Turn Your Confession Into Your Profession! 

  2023-05-17     0729   Living On Borrowed Time 

  2023-05-16     0615   Are People Who Believe In The Bible Really THAT STUPID (?!) 

  2023-05-15     0618   What's Next After Life Ends? 

  2023-05-12     0736   He Is Always There To Pick Us UP↑ 

  2023-05-11     0619   Are You Ashamed Of Jesus? 

  2023-05-10     0745   The Power Of The Blood Of Christ 

  2023-05-09     0744   Life Is A Minefield… Consider HOW You Step 

  2023-05-08     0755   The World Today Is EXACTLY As The Bible Said It Would Be 

  2023-05-04     0747   Are You A Doubter, Denier Or Defector? 

  2023-05-03     0748   Not All Ways Point To God 

  2023-05-02     0749   It's Not Your Will, But God’s Will 

  2023-05-01     0750   It Shall Come To Pass 

  2023-04-28     0751   We Are All Born In Sin 

  2023-04-27     0754   You Will Live Forever 

  2023-04-26     0753   The Difference Between Iniquity and Sin 

  2023-04-25     0752   The Devil Believes in YOU! 

  2023-04-21     0688   A Day When All Will Be GLAD 

  2023-04-20     0707   Christ Saves Us From Sin - NOT Hell 

  2023-04-19     0709   Heed The Warning Signs Ahead 

  2023-04-18     0743   Teach Peace 

  2023-04-17     0737   It's Either FAKE -or- Fact 

  2023-04-14     0739   You Cannot Negotiate With Your Flesh 

  2023-04-13     0740   What Are You Seeking In This Life? 

  2023-04-12     0742   Is God Sweet or Bitter? 

  2023-04-11     0741   Do Not Miss The Last Train To Eternity 

  2023-04-10     0738   After Your Body Goes, Where Do ou “GO?” 

  2023-04-07     0735   What Does &#*220;Christ as Personal Savior” Mean?!? 

  2023-04-06     0573   Don’t Wish...HOPE! 

  2023-04-05     0583   If There Is No Truth Are There Any Consequences? 

  2023-04-04     0734   We Are All Chased By Death 

  2023-04-03     0733   The Correct Equation For Salvation 

  2023-03-31     0576   Born Once, Die Twice - Born Twice, Die Once 

  2023-03-30     0579   Which Christ Do You Perceive? 

  2023-03-29     0580   God Only Honors FAITH 

  2023-03-28     0581   Don't Be Fooled By Following “What’s; In” 

  2023-03-27     0730   Meek Is NOT What You Think It Means 

  2023-03-24     0729   Living On Borrowed Time 

  2023-03-23     0728   The Forgetful Nature of Humanity 

  2023-03-22     0724   Make Prayer Your Priority 

  2023-03-21     0722   Come Out Of This World! 

  2023-03-20     0719   Are You Following A False Prophet? 

  2023-03-17     0727   Nothing Is Retrained In This “New World Order” 

  2023-03-16     0726   The Only Variable In This Equation Is YOU 

  2023-03-15     0725   Is Understanding What God Is Saying “Hidden From You?!?” 

  2023-03-14     0723   God Is Your Best Partner 

  2023-03-13     0719   Is The Bibe TRUTH or a Lie? 

  2023-03-10     0586   BELIEF is either YES or NO 

  2023-03-09     0588   Why Do You Go To Church? 

  2023-03-08     0589   The Hidden Danger of Amusement 

  2023-03-07     0591   We Are At Heart All "Treasure Hunters" 

  2023-03-06     0594   Are You "Prepared?" 

  2023-03-03     0595   Where You Are Going Is Most Important 

  2023-03-02     0592   Grain Of Sand Through The Hourglass Of Eternity 

  2023-03-01     0603   Do you think you are in NO DANGER if you die? 

  2023-02-28     0604   What You Permit God Will Not Defeat 

  2023-02-27     0691   Are You Playing Games With God? 

  2023-02-24     0618   What Comes NEXT (after your life is over?) 

  2023-02-23     0611   Money Doesn’t Define Character - It Reveals It! 

  2023-02-21.txt     0718   Bombarded By False Light 

  2023-02-20     0590   God Won't Live In A Dirty House 

  2023-02-17     0720   Is The Bible The TRUTH or a LIE? 

  2023-02-16     0721   Occupy Until Christ Returns! 

  2023-02-15     0473   Jesus Likes YOU! 

  2023-02-14     0582   "Your Prayers Will NOT Be Heard Without FAITH" 

  2023-02-10     0647   "Are You An ADOPTED Child of God?" 

  2023-02-09     0715   "The Most Deadly Sin" 

  2023-02-08     0716   "All Animals Sin!" 

  2023-02-07     0714   "When 99.99% is Failure" 

  2023-02-06     0710   "Do You Know The Plan But Not The Man?" 

  2023-02-03     0711   "Pick a Jesus, ANY Jesus!" 

  2023-02-02     0712   "Which Side Of This Line Are You Standing?" 

  2023-02-01     0713   "The Difference Between Worry & Concern" 

  2023-01-30     0694   A Godly Husband 

  2023-01-27     0639   "Are You Worshipping Icons?" 

  2023-01-26     0642   Fight and Resist Sin 

  2023-01-25     0671   Do Not Be Lukewarm! 

  2023-01-23     0702   God Speaks When You Are SILENT 

  2023-01-20     0655   "God’s Law & Order" 

  2023-01-19     0656   "How You’ll Be Paid When You Die" 

  2023-01-18     0648   "The One Thing God Cannot Do" 

  2023-01-17     0643   "What is the OPPOSITE of Eternal Life?" 

  2023-01-16     0661   "You Cannot Laugh Your Way Out Of Hell!" 

  2023-01-13     0662   "Are You Worshipping EMMISSIONS or Doing Remissions?" 

  2023-01-12     0011   Wisdom -vs Knowledge 

  2023-01-11     0010   The Power of God Words 

  2023-01-10     0009   Worshipping God 

  2023-01-09     0006   On Being A Strong Christian 

  2023-01-06     0669   Choose This Card for LIFE! 

  2023-01-05     0690   You Don't Need To Be Taught Sin 

  2023-01-04     0693   These 3 Will Always Line Up 

  2023-01-03     0699   Opposite Things Can't Be True 

  2023-01-02     0700   Direction Rather Than Speed 

  2023-00-04     0694   Are You In Reverse, Neutral Or Drive About Christ? 

  2022-12-30     0005   Hidden Treasures In Your Bible! 

  2022-12-29     0701   Everything Has An End Date 

  2022-12-28     0007   Do You Need Encouragement? 

  2022-12-27     0638   Are You A Lukewarm Christian? 

  2022-12-26     0640   Love Yourself! 

  2022-12-23     0646   Close The Door To Sin! 

  2022-12-22     0698   The Merciful Just Judge 

  2022-12-21     0669   Receive Mercy & Grace! 

  2022-12-20     0696   You Are Invited To Heaven 

  2022-12-19     0697   Sin Will Sink Your Ship 

  2022-12-16     0614   From CONFESSION-to-PROFESSION 

  2022-12-15     0676   Read your GOD-Mail Everyday! 

  2022-12-14     0695   Does Not Knowing = Not True? 

  2022-12-13     0670   Are You A Sojourner? 

  2022-12-09     0672   Right -vs- Wrong Thinking 

  2022-12-07     0674   What Does FEAR OF GOD Mean? 

  2022-12-06     0675   The 11th & 12th Commandments 

  2022-12-02     0677   Values Based on Beliefs 

  2022-12-01     0678   Are You Adding an O to God? 

  2022-11-30     0679   Choosing a RELIGION Card? 

  2022-11-29     0680   Take God At His Word! 

  2022-11-28     0689   Have Ears That Can Hear! 

  2022-11-25     0649   Love: Our Greatest Weapon 

  2022-11-24     0014   True Love Is Not Conditional 

  2022-11-23     0646   Sin is NOT “IN” 

  2022-11-22     0640   You Are Not Unloved 

  2022-11-21     0686   Revival Begins Within 

  2022-11-18     0682   Will You Let God Give Up On You? 

  2022-11-17     0683   Follow your CON-SCIENCE 

  2022-11-16     0684   Heaven's Not Based on Points 

  2022-11-15     0685   An Offer You CAN Refuse 

  2022-11-14     0687   When All That is SAD is Untrue 

  2022-11-11     0631   Which ROCK Do You Come From? 

  2022-11-10     0625   Your DEBT Has Been PAID! 

  2022-11-09     0813   It's Good To Be Broken 

  2022-11-08     0681   All Will Kneel 

  2022-11-07     0637   No Atheists In Foxholes 

  2022-11-04     0641   From One Boat To Another 

  2022-11-03     0636   Looking For A Superhero 

  2022-11-02     0635   One Way Sign 

  2022-11-01     0633   Making Choices 

  2022-10-31     0605   Don’t Judge By Appearance 

  2022-10-28     0598   Are You An Inheritor? 

  2022-10-27     0599   Decision or Incision? 

  2022-10-25     0601   Saved? From WHAT?!? 

  2022-10-21     0608   Mistake or Sin? 

  2022-10-20     0609   Playing Eternal Roulette 

  2022-10-19     0621   Your Given Name 

  2022-10-18     0622   Left /Right Sides of the Cross 

  2022-10-17     0624   Knowing God 

  2022-10-14     0627   AD or CE? 

  2022-10-13     0628   Are You in The Book 

  2022-10-12     0629   Fear vs Faith 

  2022-10-11     0632   Killing The Creator 

  2022-10-10     0610   U-Turn is OK! 

  2022-10-07     0633   Choice X-ing 

  2022-10-06     0636   Which Superhero? 

  2022-10-05     0637   Foxhole Prayer 

  2022-10-04     0641   Step Out in Faith 

  2022-09-21     0654   Which WHOSOEVER Are You? 

  2022-10-03     0645   MIsleading Lies 

  2022-09-30     0613   Trust in Strangers? 

  2022-09-29     0619   Ashamed of Christ? 

  2022-09-26     0650   How Are You $pending Your Life? 

  2022-09-23     0702   God Speaks When You Are QUIET 

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