Notes On Life Christian Ministry

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Monday-Friday at 7:55 AM

or 4:55 PM in Chattanooga, TN
You can also READ the original “Your Daily Note”(YDN) in the archive by clicking on the Message Number

Theme Music “Mountain Dance” used with permission courtesy of David Benoit Music

  2024     |     2023     |     2022  

Broadcast Date Click To Read
This Message
Topic Click To Listen/Play Thumbnail
  2022-09-22     0653   The ACCUSED and the ACQUITTED 

  2022-09-20     0657   Are You One Heartbeat Away? 

  2022-09-19     0658   Truth By Reason or Revelation? 

  2022-09-16     0659   These Sins Exclude From Heaven 

  2022-09-15     0661   Don't Laugh Your Way Into Hell! 

  2022-09-14     0663   End of Life Payday 

  2022-09-13     0664   Is The Bible TRUE? 

  2022-09-12     0665   Are You Behaving Badly? 

  2022-09-09     0666   The Anti-Christ 666 

  2022-09-08     0667   Faithful In Duty 

  2022-09-07     0668   Redeeming That Which Was Lost 

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