Scripture Verse |
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Article Title |
Article No. |
1 Chronicles 16:26 |  | All Idols Promise You Something | 0873
1 Chronicles 28:9 |  | Having Wholehearted Intent | 0886
1 Chronicles 29:12 |  | Plug Into The Power Source | 0246
1 Chronicles 29:15 |  | Time Doesn't Fly... But We Do | 0542
1 Corinthians 10:13 |  | Pray For The Man In Your Life | 0341
1 Corinthians 1:18 |  | What Do You Mean SAVED? What In The HELL Am I Being Saved From? | 0601
1 Corinthians 1:18 |  | The Foolishness Of The Gospel | 0771
1 Corinthians 1:18 |  | The Sign Behind The SIGN | 0870
1 Corinthians 12:4 |  | The Open Door To Your Gifts | 0128
1 Corinthians 13:11 |  | The Difference Between Being a Child | 0522
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 |  | If You Are Wrong About Christ, It Doesn't Matter What Else You Are Right About | 0783
1 Corinthians 13:5 |  | On-Line But Off-Life | 0175
1 Corinthians 13:7 |  | Why We Need Faith, Hope & Love | 0515
1 Corinthians 15:19 |  | If You Believe There Is No God You'd Better Be Right | 0557
1 Corinthians 15:20 |  | Why There Is Hope For The Dead | 0188
1 Corinthians 15:33 |  | Are You Hanging Around With The Wrong Crowd? | 0835
1 Corinthians 15:34 |  | How You can ALWAYS Get Up on the RIGHT SIDE of the Bed! | 0537
1 Corinthians 15:45 |  | The Spirit Behind Spiritual | 0584
1 Corinthians 15:49 |  | Imagine Life In Heaven | 0756
1 Corinthians 15:50 |  | Transforming From A Natural To A Supernatural Body | 0587
1 Corinthians 15:57 |  | Victory out of Defeat | 0061
1 Corinthians 1:8 |  | What Are These STUPID SIGNS? (...and why should I care?) | 0444
1 Corinthians 2:14 |  | Are You Satisfied With Just The Best 3 Out Of 5? | 0892
1 Corinthians 2:2 |  | Do You Have The True Picture Of Jesus? | 0416
1 Corinthians 3:13 |  | Make These Life Declarations | 0706
1 Corinthians 3:15 |  | Fleeing That Which Cannot Be Kept | 0900
1 Corinthians 3:9 |  | Your Best Partner | 0723
1 Corinthians 4:5 |  | Nothing is Hidden | 0092
1 Corinthians 4:5 |  | The REAL Man Behind The Curtain | 0102
1 Corinthians 4:5 |  | Nothing is Hidden | 0234
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 |  | God Won't Live In A Dirty House | 0590
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 |  | Right Is Right Wrong is Wrong SIN is SIN | 0777
1 John 1:7 |  | The Sin Eraser | 0065
1 John 1:7 |  | The Power Of The Blood of Christ | 0745
1 John 1:8 |  | Don't Switch The Labels Of Sin | 0512
1 John 1:9 |  | Please Forgive Me For the Sins That I Have Committed Against You | 0420
1 John 1:9 |  | Turn Your Confession Into Your Profession! | 0614
1 John 2:1 |  | You Can't Be SINLESS But you Can Sin LESS | 0651
1 John 2:14 |  | Plugged Into Power | 0897
1 John 2:15 |  | Love Can Be Sinful | 0855
1 John 2:16 |  | Our Three Deadly Enemies | 0550
1 John 2:21 |  | There Is No Absolute Truth!!! | 0241
1 John 3:1 |  | Stand Up Against Bullying! | 0314
1 John 3:18 |  | Why You Should Say ‘I Love You’ More Often | 0355
1 John 3:2 |  | What Would You Do If Jesus Was Standing By Your Bed? | 0296
1 John 3:22 |  | The Supernatural Power Of Prayer | 0312
1 John 3:23 |  | The 11th& 12thCommandments | 0675
1 John 4:14 |  | Personal Trainer ✓ Personal Shopper ✓ Personal Saviour ✓? | 0735
1 John 4:16 |  | GOD Is So In Love With YOU! | 0336
1 John 4:7 |  | Practice Unconditional Love | 0014
1 John 4:7 |  | You Were Born To Love | 0387
1 John 4:7 |  | Love Always TRIUMPHS Over Hate | 0504
1 John 5:14-15 |  | Do You Know How To Pray? | 0133
1 John 5:19 |  | The WORD The WORLD and EVIL | 0283
1 John 5:7 |  | Understanding The Trinity | 0109
1 John 5:7-8 |  | Grasp The Mysteries of God's Word | 0110
1 Kings 2:3 |  | Keep The CHARGE Of the Lord | 0907
1 Peter 1:15-16 |  | What Does It Mean To Be Holy? | 0016
1 Peter 1:15-16 |  | What Does it Mean To be Holy? | 0140
1 Peter 1:16 |  | Jesus Is The Way To Holiness | 0052
1 Peter 1:17-18 |  | Are You a Stranger, Citizen or Pilgrim In This World? | 0670
1 Peter 1:18,19 |  | We All Need a Supernatural Blood Transfusion | 0012
1 Peter 1:18,19 |  | We All Need a Supernatural Blood Transfusion | 0186
1 Peter 1:18-19 |  | Do You Have A Heavenly IRA? | 0310
1 Peter 1:18-19 |  | This Blood Donor Will Save Your Life! | 0538
1 Peter 1:18-19 |  | Buying Back Something That Was LOST But Now Is FOUND | 0668
1 Peter 1:23 |  | It's NOT YOUR SEED It's HIS SEED | 0371
1 Peter 1:6-9 |  | What Do You Do When Things Get Rough? | 0262
1 Peter 2:24 |  | Step Out Of The Shadow Step Into The Light | 0343
1 Peter 2:8 |  | The Real Reason Why The Stone Was Rolled Out Of The Way | 0575
1 Peter 4:12 |  | The Devil's Attacks are a Good Sign | 0084
1 Peter 4:8 |  | Love Is Our Greatest Weapon! | 0649
1 Peter 4:8-9 |  | ABOVE ALL, LOVE DEEPLY | 0471
1 Peter 5:7 |  | The Burden Bearer | 0041
1 Peter 5:7 |  | Let Jesus Have It | 0114
1 Peter 5:7 |  | Worry is the Powerless Counterfeit For Prayer | 0521
1 Peter 5:7 |  | Put Your Troubles In The God Bag! | 0780
1 Peter 5:8 |  | Ministry Never Goes On A Holiday | 0295
1 Peter 5:8 |  | The Invisible Enemy | 0375
1 Peter 5:8 |  | You May Not Believe In The DEVIL But He BeLIEves In You | 0752
1 Peter 5:8-9 |  | Stand, and Take Your Stand! | 0858
1 Samuel 16:7 |  | God Sees The True You | 0605
1 Samuel 17:26 |  | Big Problems = Big Opportunities | 0798
1 Samuel 2:16-18 |  | The Power Of Negative Affirmations | 0809
1 Samuel 24:13 |  | The Fruit of Wickedness | 0893
1 Thessalonians 3:11 |  | Which Sign Will You Obey? | 0635
1 Thessalonians 4:17 |  | Ready Or Not, Here He Comes! | 0770
1 Thessalonians 5:16 |  | Rise UP And PRAY | 0390
1 Timothy 13:14 |  | The Dynamic Pair Of Mercy & Grace | 0669
1 Timothy 4:10 |  | Don't leave U out of SavioUr | 0219
1 Timothy 4:1 |  | The Separation Of Church & Souls | 0275
1 Timothy 6:17-19 |  | Money Doesn't Define Character IT Reveals IT | 0611
2 Chronicles 5:13-14 |  | You Create Your Own Atmosphere | 0020
2 Chronicles 5: 13-14 |  | You Create Your Own Atmosphere | 0190
2 Chronicles 7:14 |  | We CAN Change The World BY... | 0291
2 Corinthians 10: 3-4 |  | Rise Up And Use Your God Given Power | 0037
2 Corinthians 11:14 |  | Satan Is NOT WHO Or WHAT You Think He Is | 0808
2 Corinthians 11:3 |  | LIES People Believe That Are NOT TRUE | 0536
2 Corinthians 12:9 |  | The Great Exchange | 0143
2 Corinthians 2:14 |  | The ‘Foolishness’ Of The Bible | 0203
2 Corinthians 2:14 |  | Why Some Cannot Understand This Message | 0860
2 Corinthians 3:14 |  | Pray! Pray! Pray! And God Will Open Their Eyes | 0413
2 Corinthians 3:18 |  | Are You Willing To Be Crushed? | 0080
2 Corinthians 3:18 |  | The Only Book That Can Change You Inside and Out | 0332
2 Corinthians 4:18 |  | Everything In This Life Is TEMPORARY | 0460
2 Corinthians 4:4 |  | People Trapped In Darkness by a False Light | 0187
2 Corinthians 4:4 |  | You've Been BLINDED! So Take Off Your Blindfold | 0571
2 Corinthians 4:4 |  | The Choice Between Upper and lower Case | 0832
2 Corinthians 5:10 |  | How Long is Your Rap Sheet? | 0327
2 Corinthians 5:1 |  | Are You Decorating Your Hotel Room? | 0409
2 Corinthians 5:17 |  | How to Start With A Clean Slate | 0051
2 Corinthians 5:17 |  | The Secret Of Life | 0315
2 Corinthians 5:17 |  | Freedom In Christ Requires Discipline | 0345
2 Corinthians 5:21 |  | Are You A Sinner Or Are You A SAINT?? | 0405
2 Corinthians 5:7 |  | Don’t Be Fooled By tHIS Magic Act! | 0393
2 Corinthians 5:7 |  | Do Not Look Into That Future! | 0762
2 Corinthians 6:17 |  | Set Yourself Apart From The World | 0285
2 Corinthians 6:2 |  | Are You Putting Eternity On The Back Burner? | 0149
2 Corinthians 6:2 |  | Will A Ticket Be On Your Eternal Windshield? | 0380
2 Corinthians 6:2 |  | Do Not Put-Off This ToDo Until Tomorrow | 0539
2 Corinthians 6:2 |  | This 'Open Enrollment' Will Close | 0561
2 Corinthians 9:7 |  | TITHING for TAXES Or FUNDING in FAITH | 0367
2 Hezekiah 1:01(!!) |  | Hell is Fun Heaven is Boring | 0803
2 John 1:7 |  | Amazing Prophecy About THE FINAL POPE! | 0167
2 Kings 6:15-17 |  | Don't Fall For An Enemy That Appears BIGGER Than You Think! | 0568
2 Peter 2:1-3 |  | Jesus is On Sale! | 0176
2 Peter 3:14 |  | Are You Tuned Into The Right Channel?! | 0137
2 Peter 3:14 |  | One Spot or Blemish Is All It Takes | 0760
2 Peter 3:18 |  | Who is your #1? | 0097
2 Peter 3:3-4 |  | The Bible Said It! Many Will Make Fun Of What Is To Come | 0782
2 Peter 3:9 |  | Losing Something Irreplaceable | 0136
2 Peter 3:9 |  | Eternal Lives Matter! | 0424
2 Peter 3:9 |  | Yes! There Really Are Only TWO Kinds Of People In The World | 0555
2 Samuel 11:2 |  | The Danger Of Going From GLANCE-to-GAZE | 0728
2 Samuel 11:2 |  | The Danger Of Going From GLANCE-to-GAZE | 0765
2 Samuel 22:28 |  | Don't Make A TITANIC Mistake | 0427
2 Samuel 22:31 |  | Is The Bible The TRUTH Or A Lie? | 0720
2 Thessalonians 1:10 |  | Indignation or Admiration? | 0775
2 Thessalonians 2:16,17 |  | Hope For All This Difficult Christmas Season | 0487
2 Thessalonians 2:3 |  | Do Not Accept False for True | 0556
2 Timothy 1:7 |  | Calm Your Temper | 0200
2 Timothy 2:11-15 |  | Christians, Take Your Stand | 0006
2 Timothy 2:8 |  | You Have VICTORY In Jesus | 0477
2 Timothy 3:1 |  | So How Exactly Did That Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll Thing Work Out? | 0265
2 Timothy 3:16-17 |  | My Word Is The Breath Of Life | 0361
2 Timothy 3:16 |  | God's Word Is INSPIRING | 0802
2 Timothy 3:8a |  | You Can Interpret What Is 'True' One of Two Ways | 0793
2 Timothy 4:1 |  | The Jesus You Do NOT Want To Meet | 0417
2 Timothy 4:3 |  | Why Believe Gullible Ad Claims, But Not This Claim? | 0274
2 Timothy 4:3 |  | The Only True Prophet | 0562
2 Timothy 4:7 |  | Run The Race And WIN! | 0470
3 John 1:2 |  | God Healed Me From Atrial Fibrillation ! | 0142
Acts 16:24-26 |  | You Carry Supernatural Power | 0145
Acts 16:31 |  | Belief is Either Yes or No | 0586
Acts 17:27 |  | Social Distancing: YES God Distancing: NO | 0374
Acts 17:27 |  | The Answers You Seek Are Nearer Than You Think | 0523
Acts 5:29 |  | Laws Broken Have Consequences | 0111
Amos 2:15 |  | Your Direction Is More Important Than Your Speed | 0702
Amos 3:3 |  | Bring Your Spirit, Soul, and Body Together | 0333
Amos 4:12 |  | Are YOU Prepared? | 0594
Amos 8:11-12 |  | Avoid This Deadly Famine! | 0890
Colossians 1:10 |  | Have You Pleased God Today? | 0357
Colossians 1:13-14 |  | You Have Been Pre-Approved For Heaven | 0214
Colossians 11:3 |  | Big Bang Busted? | 0174
Colossians 1:13 |  | Born Once, Die Twice. Born Twice, Die Once! | 0229
Colossians 1:18 |  | Who's On The Throne? | 0458
Colossians 1:21 |  | We All Have Talent on Loan from God | 0159
Colossians 1:26 |  | Just Because You Don't Understand Something Doesn't Mean It's Not True | 0697
Colossians 1:9 |  | That Which Fills You Up | 0863
Colossians 2:12 |  | Good Stuff Comes From DIRT! | 0216
Colossians 2:14 |  | Sin - Saviour = Salvation | 0288
Colossians 2:6-7 |  | Learning A Lesson Rooted in Forgiveness | 0257
Colossians 2:7 |  | Stay Rooted in God's Word | 0340
Colossians 2:8 |  | Things About Christmas That You Thought Were True But Are 100% WRONG | 0491
Colossians 2:8 |  | Don't Be Fooled By Following What's In | 0581
Colossians 2:8 |  | If There is No Truth Are There Really Any Consequences? | 0583
Colossians 3:14 |  | Live The Love Life! | 0411
Colossians 3:15 |  | The Difference Between Forgiven and Forgotten | 0508
Colossians 3:5 |  | The Sin of COMPARISON | 0435
Colossians 3:6 |  | Only These People Are Free From God's Wrath | 0630
Colossians 4:2 |  | Victory in Faith Takes Perseverance | 0475
Corinthians 16:14 |  | Three Principles For A Happy, Healthy Marriage | 0540
Daniel 4:27 |  | Watch Out - Lying Can Trip You Up | 0168
Daniel 5:27 |  | Are You Judging Yourself By the Scale? | 0070
Daniel 5:27 |  | Are You Judging Your Life Based On A Scale of Good-vs-Bad Works? | 0101
Deuteronomy 10:22 |  | Creation… Created, Itself (?!) | 0746
Deuteronomy 11:26-28 |  | Introduction to God Programming: 101 | 0244
Deuteronomy 28:2 |  | Delayed Obedience Is Dis-Obedience | 0502
Deuteronomy 29:29 |  | What Is God Revealing To You Today? | 0471
Deuteronomy 30:19 |  | Pick a Door, But Choose Wisely | 0233
Deuteronomy 30:19 |  | Caution! Center Lane Ending | 0757
Deuteronomy 30:19 |  | Is This On Your Bucket List? | 0837
Deuteronomy 31:6 |  | Fear Accepted Is Faith Contaminated | 0378
Deuteronomy 32:17 |  | There Are Better Gods Than 'god'/H1> | 0818
Deuteronomy 33:26-27 |  | God's Got You Covered | 0046
Deuteronomy 6:25 |  | Take The Entire Dose As Recommended | 0806
Deuteronomy 6:5 |  | What Does God Want From Us? | 0795
Deuteronomy 7:6 |  | You Are Who You Associate With | 0304
Deuteronomy 8:7-8 |  | Come On and Taste The Fruit! | 0198
Divine Revelation |  | Information -vs- Revelation | 0091
Ecclesiastes 12:13 |  | If People Don't Fear God They Won't Fear Anything Else | 0554
Ecclesiastes 12:7 |  | People Never Die – They Just Change Locations | 0307
Ecclesiastes 1:3 |  | There is More To Life Than THIS LIFE | 0446
Ecclesiastes 2:13-14 |  | Walk in The Light Not In The Darkness | 0797
Ecclesiastes 3:11 |  | Unsurpassed Beauty | 0134
Ecclesiastes 3:11 |  | The Value Of TIME | 0824
Ecclesiastes 3:1 |  | Are You Preparing To End Life Well? | 0227
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 |  | You Offended Me! | 0015
Ecclesiastes 9:4 |  | Death Is The Great Equalizer | 0328
Ecclesiastes 9:5 |  | Forgotten Voices of a Lower Manhattan Bar | 0180
Ephesians 1:17 |  | Going From NO to KNOW | 0602
Ephesians 1:7 |  | The Riches We Have In God | 0047
Ephesians 2:10 |  | Run The Race Give It All You’ve Got! | 0039
Ephesians 2:2 |  | The Prince of the Air | 0021
Ephesians 2:2 |  | The Prince of the Air | 0189
Ephesians 2:5 |  | Does Christianity Make People 'Good??' | 0553
Ephesians 2:5 |  | Christ Saves Us From SIN Not From Hell | 0707
Ephesians 2:8 |  | Is This Why | 0397
Ephesians 2:8-9 |  | Your Biggest Gamble | 0031
Ephesians 3:12 |  | You Have Faith In Strangers… But Not In God?!? | 0613
Ephesians 3:17-19 |  | How Deep Are Your Roots? | 0252
Ephesians 3:20 |  | Be Bold When You Pray | 0100
Ephesians 4:1 |  | Billy Graham’s Guideline To Christian Living | 0116
Ephesians 4:14 |  | When Deception Is Truth | 0732
Ephesians 4:14 |  | Blowing With The Wind | 0899
Ephesians 4:16 |  | Are You The Missing Piece? | 0468
Ephesians 4:29 |  | Curse NOT! | 0779
Ephesians 4:32 |  | Forgiveness Is The Child of LOVE | 0528
Ephesians 4:5 |  | The Devil Loves Religion | 0302
Ephesians 4:7 |  | Give God's Grace In This New Year! | 0321
Ephesians 5:1 |  | A Dirty Table At Starbucks | 0059
Ephesians 5:15-17 |  | How Much Time Do You Have Left? | 0814
Ephesians 5:17 |  | This is the Secret to SUCCESS! | 0545
Ephesians 5:25 |  | The Priceless Gift Of A Godly Christian Husband | 0696
Ephesians 5:26 |  | Washed By The Word | 0904
Ephesians 6:11,16 |  | The Power Of The Shield Of Faith | 0850
Ephesians 6:18 |  | The Power Of Prayer Walking | 0457
Exodus 12:14 |  | The True Meaning Of Easter | 0383
Exodus 15:26 |  | A Cure That You Cannot Ignore | 0445
Exodus 20:1-17 |  | God's Ten Commandments | 0024
Exodus 20:16 |  | The Deception of Bearing FALSE WITNESS | 0500
Exodus 3:14,15 |  | Jehovah Witnesses Are Wrong! | 0289
Exodus 35:35 |  | Artists of The Every Day | 0054
Exodus 35:35 |  | Artists of The Every Day | 0212
Ezekial 33:4 |  | In Event of Fire Alarm Do THIS | 0151
Ezekiel 16:47 |  | The Compounding Debt Of Sin | 0896
Ezekiel 9:10 |  | What You Permit God Will Not Defeat | 0604
Galatians 1:14 |  | You're Right... All Religions ARE BAD | 0607
Galatians 3:13 |  | Are You Redeemed? | 0230
Galatians 4:16 |  | The OFFENSIVENESS Of The Gospel | 0869
Galatians 4:5 |  | Are You A Child of God | 0647
Galatians 5:22 |  | Come Taste The Fruits | 0028
Galatians 5:22 |  | How To Get A Heavenly Facelift | 0088
Galatians 5:24 |  | Dying To Self | 0705
Galatians 6:7 |  | Take Off Is Optional But Landing Is Mandatory | 0514
Galatians 6:8 |  | What You Planted Yesterday Is What You Will Harvest TODAY | 0552
Genesis 1:1 |  | The Amazing First Verse of the Bible | 0157
Genesis 1:1 |  | You Cannot Live Without These FOUR Things | 0284
Genesis 1:1 |  | UNDER CONSTRUCTION | 0455
Genesis 11:6 |  | From Conception to Inception To DECEPTION | 0294
Genesis 11:6 |  | Nothing Is Restrained In This New World Order | 0727
Genesis 12:1 |  | Where You Are Going Is More Important Than Where You Have Been | 0595
Genesis 1:2 |  | Who is the Holy Spirit ? | 0056
Genesis 1:27, 5:2, 6:19, 7:16 • Matthew 19:4 • Mark 10:6 |  | Can You Improve On The Original? | 0686
Genesis 1:3 |  | Out of the Darkness and Into the Light | 0499
Genesis 25:30-39 |  | Short Term Gain = Long Term Loss | 0652
Genesis 26:4 |  | We Live By Promises Not By Explanations | 0804
Genesis 3:1 |  | Being Mis-lead to a Point By Secondhand Information | 0377
Genesis 3:1 |  | Hath God Said… | 0645
Genesis 3:15 |  | FINAL JUDGMENT Will Be The HARVEST of BAD SEED | 0408
Genesis 3:1-5 |  | This is Satan's Best Tactic To Justify Sin | 0848
Genesis 3:7 |  | Adam and Eve Were Both WOKE! | 0566
Genesis 3:9 |  | What It Really Means When God Asks You A Question | 0851
Genesis 6:7-8 |  | Carry Out God's Plan For You | 0492
Genesis 7:1 |  | On Which Side Of This Door Are You? | 0805
Genesis 7:7 |  | The Last Helicopter Out Of Saigon | 0053
Genesis 7:7 |  | Would You Ignore The Last Helicopter Out Of Saigon? | 0132
Habakkuk 1:13 |  | When A Score Of 99.99% Is Failure | 0714
Habakkuk 2:3-4 |  | God Is Getting Ready To Put On A BIG Show! | 0498
Hebrews 10:35 |  | Strengthen Up Your Core Of Faith | 0165
Hebrews 11:1 |  | God Does NOT EXIST Because Science Says So (?!) | 0433
Hebrews 11:1 |  | Your HOPE Will Not Become Reality Without FAITH | 0573
Hebrews 11:1 |  | Your Prayers Will NOT Be Heard Without FAITH | 0582
Hebrews 11:25 |  | Do You Love To Sin? | 0810
Hebrews 11:25 |  | Got Hope? | 0813
Hebrews 11:30 |  | Is Your Faith A Noun Only or Both a NOUN and a VERB? | 0526
Hebrews 11:6 |  | What Matters To God? | 0018
Hebrews 11:6 |  | What Matters To God? | 0099
Hebrews 11:6 |  | What Matters To God? | 0185
Hebrews 12:14-15 |  | Speak Gracefully To Others | 0131
Hebrews 12:14 |  | TEACH PEACE | 0743
Hebrews 12:2-3 |  | Fix Your Eyes On Jesus | 0840
Hebrews 12:25 |  | Please Don't Forward This Call! | 0789
Hebrews 13: 1-2 |  | A Man Who Made My Day | 0068
Hebrews 1:3 |  | The Reflection Pool | 0072
Hebrews 13:5 |  | Jesus Is Always With You | 0465
Hebrews 13:5 |  | The One Who Is Always There | 0503
Hebrews 2:9 |  | Do You See Jesus in This or Some Cryptic Code? | 0517
Hebrews 3:18 |  | Not All Will Rest In Peace | 0874
Hebrews 4:12 |  | Your Words Are POWERFUL! | 0010
Hebrews 4:13 |  | His Name Is El Roi THE GOD WHO SEES | 0349
Hebrews 4:16 |  | At The Intersection of Mercy & Grace | 0243
Hebrews 4:16 |  | You Do NOT Have To Ask Permission To Go Into This Oval Office! | 0359
Hebrews 4:16 |  | Lord, WE NEED YOU! | 0497
Hebrews 4:16 |  | This Is The Only Court In Which You Will Receive MERCY | 0700
Hebrews 4:2 |  | A Sure Recipe For Explosive Power! | 0563
Hebrews 7:25 |  | Great News about YOU! | 0177
Hebrews 8:10 |  | If Your Life Was A HEADLINE What Would It Say? | 0518
Hebrews 9:15 |  | Are You In His Will? | 0598
Hebrews 9:27 |  | The Riskiest Bet You Could Make | 0057
Hebrews 9:27 |  | Your Two Most Important Days | 0098
Hebrews 9:27 |  | Eternity is Too LONG to be WRONG | 0158
Hebrews 9:27 |  | A Coming CRISIS You Can Avoid | 0344
Hebrews 9:27 |  | Are You ETERNAL? | 0453
Isaiah 11:6 |  | Will Our Pets Live In Heaven? | 0577
Isaiah 1:18 |  | To Make One Thing CLEAN Something Else Must Get DIRTY | 0156
Isaiah 14:14 |  | An Eye for an “I” | 0108
Isaiah 28:22 |  | Mis-Judging THIS BOOK By It's Cover | 0476
Isaiah 28:23 |  | Will You Hear Him NOW? | 0472
Isaiah 29:16 |  | Are You At The Center Of The Potter's Wheel? | 0544
Isaiah 30:20 |  | The Fire of Refinement | 0403
Isaiah 30:21 |  | Are You Walking On A Bridge To Nowhere? | 0311
Isaiah 33:17 |  | In Just Once Glance | 0040
Isaiah 38:7 |  | Heed These Signs Before It Is Too Late | 0396
Isaiah 40:30 |  | Soar Like An Eagle | 0272
Isaiah 40:31 |  | Spiritual Battles Are Won In The Heavens | 0248
Isaiah 40:3 |  | The End of That Road Is Closer Than You Think | 0268
Isaiah 41:10 |  | Jesus The Rescuer | 0318
Isaiah 41:10 |  | The World Is In Chaos But God Is In Control | 0347
Isaiah 41:13 |  | God Is Bigger Than Your Giants | 0260
Isaiah 41:9-10 |  | God Will Never Forsake You | 0440
Isaiah 42:7 |  | Life Sentence Or Eternal Sentence | 0437
Isaiah 43:19 |  | Expect The Unexpected | 0215
Isaiah 43:19 |  | Embrace A Fresh Beginning | 0801
Isaiah 43:19 |  | Embrace A Fresh Beginning | 0822
Isaiah 44:12 |  | The Three Essential Elements of Physical & Spiritual Life | 0794
Isaiah 45:22 |  | Not All Ways Point To God | 0748
Isaiah 45:23 • Romans 14:11 • Philippians 2:10 |  | You Can Kneel NOW -or- Kneel LATER | 0681
Isaiah 45:5 |  | May The 'Force' Be With You | 0558
Isaiah 5:20 |  | If You Know Any Of These Women Then You Have A BIG PROBLEM | 0346
Isaiah 5:20 |  | Anything Goes (?!?) | 0516
Isaiah 53:6 |  | What Do You Mean I'm LOST?!? | 0217
Isaiah 55:12 |  | Seek Perfect Vision | 0273
Isaiah 55:6 |  | God is NOT 'Hard to Find!' | 0461
Isaiah 55:7 |  | Rehab Is NOT Repentance | 0534
Isaiah 63:10 |  | When Our Own Creation Rebels Against Us | 0632
Isaiah 6:8 |  | Transformation is What Being A Christian Is All About | 0062
Isaiah 6:8 |  | Whose Side are YOU On? | 0066
Isaiah 9:6 |  | Merry Christmas! | 0889
Isaiah 9:8-10 |  | We Will Rebuild Was NOT The Right Response | 0256
James 1:11 |  | We All Have One of Two Ends | 0292
James 1:14 |  | Does The Devil Really Make You Do It?! | 0326
James 1:15 |  | Before You Make Any DECISION You Make A PRE-Decision | 0422
James 1:15 |  | You Cannot RECEIVE What You Do Not BELIEVE | 0423
James 1:19 |  | The Sweet Aroma Of Hearing & Understanding | 0316
James 1:19 |  | You Never Have To Apologize For Something You DIDN'T SAY | 0831
James 1:2-3 |  | The Only Variable In This Equation Is You | 0726
James 1:2-4 |  | How To Idle Your Anxiety | 0146
James 1:2-4 |  | GOT TROUBLE?!? There’s An APP For That… | 0759
James 1:3 |  | Do You Have Patience? | 0206
James 1:5 |  | Wisdom Compared To Knowledge | 0011
James 1:8 |  | You Can't Have It Both Ways | 0560
James 2:10 |  | The Smallest Leak Will Sink The Largest Ship | 0699
James 2:10 |  | Nobody Is A Perfect 10 | 0875
James 2:23 |  | Are You A Friend of God? | 0164
James 22:46 |  | Unconditional Surrender | 0036
James 3:5 |  | The Power of The Tongue | 0237
James 4:13 |  | I'm Immortal! I'm Gonna Live FOREVER! | 0370
James 4:14 |  | How Long Will You Live? | 0443
James 4:14 |  | A Grain A Sand Through The Hourglass Of Eternity | 0592
James 4:17 |  | The Last Train Has Not Yet Departed | 0741
James 4:6 |  | The Free Gift Of Grace | 0442
James 4:8 |  | Turn Your Flicker Back Into A Flame! | 0456
James 5:13 |  | Pray For Yourself | 0363
James 5:1-3 |  | The World's Treasure Is Like A 1949 Cadillac | 0880
James 5:16 |  | Ways To Enrich Your Prayer Life | 0148
James 5:5 |  | The Hidden Danger Of Amusement | 0589
Jeremiah 17:10 |  | That Which Is NOT TESTED Cannot Be Trusted | 0569
Jeremiah 17:23 |  | Context -or- Notext | 0807
Jeremiah 17:5 |  | Faith in God -vs- Faith in Your Faith | 0564
Jeremiah 17:9 |  | My Golden Trumpet Was Not What It Seemed | 0478
Jeremiah 17:9 |  | Why WRONG Feels RIGHT | 0844
Jeremiah 17:9 |  | The 'Heart' Is Not A Good Leader | 0872
Jeremiah 18:12 |  | IMAGINE...There's No Heaven IMAGINE...There's No Hell | 0490
Jeremiah 21:8 |  | We All Live Two Lives | 0386
Jeremiah 23:24 |  | GOD'S ALMIGHTINESS | 0395
Jeremiah 24:7 |  | Stay Sane In This Crazy World | 0305
Jeremiah 24:7 |  | Is God a Noun a Verb Or BOTH For You? | 0319
Jeremiah 29:11 |  | Your Expected End | 0207
Jeremiah 29:13 |  | Is it Still Possible to “Discover Christ?” | 0060
Jeremiah 29:13 |  | Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places | 0095
Jeremiah 31:3 |  | God’s Love Is Radical | 0032
Jeremiah 31:3 |  | Have You Strayed Away From God's Love? | 0843
Jeremiah 42:6 |  | Is Your Obedience To God Based On Your FEELING or FAITH? | 0462
Jeremiah 6:10 |  | Hearing In A Non-Listening World | 0877
Jeremiah 6:16 |  | Why People Do Not Choose Christianity | 0520
Jeremiah 7:23 |  | The Entire Bible Can Be Reduced Down To This One WORD | 0660
Jeremiah 9:11 |  | DON'T WORRY! God Has A Perfect Plan For YOU! | 0004
Job 1:21 |  | We Own Nothing In This World | 0107
Job 12:4 |  | Are People Who Believe In The Bible Really THAT STUPID (?!) | 0615
Job 12:7-9 |  | A Robin Who Opened My Heart To The Wonder of God's Creation | 0531
Job 13:15 |  | It Is Not About Circumstances | 0827
Job 14:1-2 |  | What's Next? | 0618
Job 24:11 |  | Are You Playing Pin-The-Tail Designer Salvation? | 0079
Job 27:3-4 |  | Move From Trials to Triumph | 0449
Job 38:17 |  | We Are All Chased By Death | 0734
Job 4:17 |  | Real JUSTICE Is Not Defined by An Adjective | 0570
Job 42:5 |  | No…You Can't See God From Outer Space | 0484
Joel 3:14 |  | Precision, Incision, Circumcision or DECISION? | 0599
John 10:03 |  | I Gotta Name, But Do YOU Have A Heavenly Name? | 0621
John 10:10 |  | The Acts of the Sons of Perdition | 0406
John 10:10a |  | tHEz is the Source of The VIRUS | 0372
John 10:27 |  | No Matter Who You Are God Loves YOU | 0090
John 10:27-28 |  | God Is Speaking To You! Do You Hear His Voice? | 0325
John 10:33 |  | 1. Liar 2.Lunatic | 0454
John 12:42-43 (paraphrased) |  | Are You The Chicken or The Pig? | 0042
John 12:46 |  | The Kingdom of LIGHT And The Kingdom of DARKNESS | 0885
John 12:48 |  | You Will Meet Jesus… (either NOW or LATER) | 0448
John 13:1b |  | This Is True Love | 0841
John 13:7 |  | When God Is Working Behind The Curtain | 0825
John 14:1-2 |  | There is a Place In Heaven Waiting For You! | 0482
John 14:15 |  | Stop Playing Games With God | 0693
John 14:21 |  | The Difference Between a Wedding and a Marriage | 0551
John 14:6 |  | Musical (Religion) Chairs | 0239
John 14:6 |  | Got TRUTH And the True Life? | 0766
John 15:13 |  | Radical, Not Rational Love | 0044
John 15:15 |  | Christianity is a Relationship, Not a Philosophy or a Religion | 0224
John 15:25 |  | What Is So UNATTRACTIVE About CHRIST That You Do Not Want Him? | 0620
John 16:13 |  | Truth Is Always Found When These Three Line Up | 0695
John 16:33 |  | The Root Cause For Today's Problems | 0138
John 16:7 |  | The Holy Spirit Is The Breath & Power Of God | 0399
John 17:12 |  | Satan The Trafficker Of The Soul | 0209
John 17:17 |  | Will You Take Him At His Word? | 0680
John 17:22 |  | Practice This Key To Win The World | 0324
John 17:3 |  | Know About God -vs- KNOW God | 0624
John 18:38 |  | If Christianity were TRUE, Would You Become a Christian? | 0194
John 18:38 |  | Your Reality Is Your TRUTH | 0507
John 18:38 |  | Two Opposite Things Cannot Both Be True | 0701
John 18:5 |  | On Which Side Of This Line Are You Standing? | 0712
John 19:18 |  | On Which Side Of The Cross Are You? | 0622
John 20:25 |  | The Only Man-Made Thing That Will Be In Heaven | 0593
John 20:29 |  | Seeing is Not Believing | 0282
John 20:31 |  | These Things Were Written FOR YOU | 0861
John 21:21 |  | Don't Just 'Mind,' But DO Your OWN Business | 0546
John 2:15 |  | Do Not Love The Things of the World | 0147
John 2:5 |  | Always Listen To His Voice | 0811
John 3:15 |  | What is the Opposite of ETERNAL LIFE? | 0643
John 3:15 |  | Which Whosoever? Are You? | 0654
John 3:16 |  | True Love Is Unconditional | 0266
John 3:16 |  | The Great Gap Between IN HIM & ABOUT HIM | 0894
John 3:17 |  | If The Planet Is Worth Saving, What About YOU? | 0213
John 3:17 |  | The Only Thing God Cares About | 0270
John 3:18 |  | The Belief Switch | 0773
John 3:20 |  | If The BIBLE Was Published TODAY Would It Be BANNED? | 0489
John 3:30 |  | Letting the Leaves Of Life Fall | 0463
John 3:3 |  | The Christian Life is TRANSFORMING | 0077
John 3:33 |  | God Is TRUE | 0867
John 3:7 |  | Born Once, Die Twice Born Twice, Die Once | 0576
John 5:43 |  | I'm Going To Make Him an Offer He CAN Refuse | 0685
John 6:35 |  | Is Your Food 'FDA' Approved? | 0364
John 6:51 |  | Eat This Food To Live Forever | 0281
John 6:63 |  | Who In This World Do You Think You Are?! | 0193
John 6:68 |  | The One You Can RUN TO | 0267
John 7:38 |  | Are You Lost In The Wilderness? | 0160
John 8:12 |  | Better Than Your Cellphone Flashlight | 0144
John 8:13 |  | Was Jesus Ever Wrong? | 0865
John 8:44 |  | The Devil's Nature Is Part of His Name | 0513
John 8:44 |  | Which Hand Are You Holding? | 0535
John 8:44 |  | The Father of LIES -or- The Father of LIGHT | 0849
John 8:7 |  | If MY Life Was A Statue, Would It Be Torn Down? | 0418
John 8:9 |  | Are You a Convict? | 0125
Joshua 1:18 |  | The Key To Success | 0029
Joshua 1:8 |  | A Tale of Two Bibles | 0019
Joshua 1:9 |  | Give The Gift Of Encouragement | 0007
Joshua 21:45 |  | The Most Reliable Promise Keeper | 0731
Joshua 24:15 |  | Indecision is a Decision | 0150
Joshua 24:15 |  | A Battle of Two Voices | 0196
Joshua 24:15 |  | Sin is a Human Right | 0242
Joshua 24:15 |  | The One Thing God Cannot Do | 0648
Joshua 24:15 |  | Pick A Card Any Card (?) | 0679
Jude 1:23 |  | Are You A Rescuer? | 0130
Jude 1:23 |  | The Gospel Is The Opposite Of Depraved Indifference | 0786
Jude 1:23 |  | The Saviour -or- The Judge | 0871
Judges 21:25 |  | Are You Living Life By Your Own Standards? | 0665
Leviticus 10:10 |  | What Exactly Is HALLOWED About Halloween? | 0689
Leviticus 19:11 |  | Conquer The Struggle Of Lying | 0438
Leviticus 19:11 |  | The Sorrow Of Theft | 0856
Leviticus 19:26 |  | You Don't Need To Go To A Psychic To Draw This Card | 0494
Leviticus 6:13 |  | Live On FIRE For Christ! | 0906
Luke 10:39-40 |  | The Differentiator Between GOoD and GOD | 0678
Luke 11:28 |  | Obedience is the Key to Hearing God's Voice | 0027
Luke 11:28 |  | Tune Up Your Ears God is Speaking | 0045
Luke 11:28 |  | Obedience is the Key to Hearing God's Voice | 0204
Luke 11:28 |  | Have You Checked Your G-Mail Account Today? | 0676
Luke 11:33 |  | Whatever You Are Doubting Means You Are Certain About Something Else | 0774
Luke 11:34 |  | You are FORMED by how You are INFORMED | 0559
Luke 12:15 |  | Possession Is Not Ownership | 0883
Luke 12:19-20 |  | Are You Prepared For The OVERMARROW? | 0902
Luke 12:20 |  | Do Not Ignore this (Life) Traffic Warning! | 0106
Luke 12:32 |  | Because He Lives We Can Live Each Day Without Fear | 0381
Luke 12:5 |  | Well… Which God IS IT?!? | 0240
Luke 13:25 |  | Don't Delay Before This Door Closes | 0112
Luke 13:3 |  | It Is Never Too Late To Turn Back | 0610
Luke 16:15 |  | What Color Is Your Halo? | 0905
Luke 16:23-25 |  | You Will Live Forever, The Question is WHERE? | 0103
Luke 16:23-25 |  | You Will Live Forever | 0123
Luke 18:27 |  | Jesus Is In The Miracle Business | 0254
Luke 18:34 |  | Is This Understanding Also Hidden From You? | 0725
Luke 19:10 |  | God Is Always Pursuing You | 0389
Luke 19:13 |  | Now Is The Time To Stand Firm This Ground | 0721
Luke 22:1 |  | Why PASSOVER is So Important | 0082
Luke 2:21 |  | Verily, Verily Truly, Truly | 0708
Luke 23:34 |  | Foreseen, Foretold, Forgiven! | 0429
Luke 23:35 |  | Don't Retaliate! | 0414
Luke 23:43 |  | What Becomes of Us In the Hereafter | 0038
Luke 23:43 |  | The Only 'Stat' That Counts Is The Final Score | 0887
Luke 24:32 |  | Live A Passionate Life! | 0276
Luke 4:4 |  | Feed On The Word of God Daily | 0845
Luke 6:37 |  | Destination Forgiveness | 0025
Luke 6:48-49 |  | Are you FROM A Rock -or- Standing ON The Rock? | 0631
Luke 7:5 |  | For Veteran's Day... A Debt Of Gratitude | 0083
Luke 8:10 |  | KNOW The Greater Meaning Behind The Symbol | 0717
Luke 8:47-48 |  | Look Out, Trial Ahead | 0067
Luke 9:23 |  | Are you a Christian | 0360
Luke 9:24 |  | From Refugee To Redeemed | 0450
Mark 1:12-13 |  | Embrace The Wilderness! | 0690
Mark 11:23 |  | What You Say is What You GET | 0115
Mark 11:23 |  | Which Pedal Are You Driving With? | 0799
Mark 11:24 |  | The Prosperity Gospel | 0201
Mark 11:24 |  | You Cannot RECEIVE What You Don't BELIEVE | 0430
Mark 12:31 |  | What Does It Mean To Love Your Neighbor? | 0301
Mark 13:35 |  | Are You LOOKING For Christ's COMING? | 0879
Mark 1:35 |  | Make Prayer Your Priority | 0724
Mark 13:8b |  | The New Normal Is NOT Normal | 0290
Mark 14:36 |  | It's Not Your Will But God's Will | 0749
Mark 14:36 |  | Not My Will, But God's Will | 0800
Mark 16:6 |  | Create A Worshipful Easter Table | 0181
Mark 16:6 |  | A Catholic Cross That Got It Right! | 0348
Mark 3:27 |  | Have You Left Your Backdoor Open? | 0425
Mark 4:10-11 |  | God's Word Is Alive and Active | 0313
Mark 4:19 |  | The Difference Between HEREing & HEARing | 0572
Mark 6:52 |  | Do You Have A Hard Heart? | 0258
Mark 7: 20-23 |  | Could Sin Just Be Out Of Style? | 0178
Mark 8:27-29 |  | Who Do YOU SAY Who Jesus Is? | 0365
Mark 8:38 |  | Are You Ashamed Of Jesus? | 0619
Matthew 10:22 |  | Why The World Hates Christ And Christians | 0819
Matthew 10:33 |  | Please Don't Scroll Past This 'Stupid' Religious Message | 0208
Matthew 10:34 |  | World Peace Might As Well Be Whirled Peas | 0250
Matthew 11:15 |  | Are Your Ears Able To Hear? | 0691
Matthew 11:23 |  | Be Refreshed Taste The Living Water | 0064
Matthew 11:28 |  | An Invitation Too Good To Refuse | 0698
Matthew 11:28 |  | Come To Jesus Just.. As..You..Are | 0823
Matthew 11:28 |  | Salvation Is Too Easy To Miss | 0891
Matthew 11:29 |  | Meek Is NOT What You Think It Is | 0730
Matthew 11:6 |  | Which is The Least -or- Most Offensive? | 0466
Matthew 13:15 |  | Take Off Your Blinders! | 0335
Matthew 13:16 |  | Unplug and Recharge! | 0228
Matthew 13:45-46 |  | How Are You $pending Your Life? | 0650
Matthew 13:6 |  | See With The Eyes of Jesus | 0119
Matthew 13:6 |  | View Others Through The Eyes of Jesus | 0153
Matthew 14:26 |  | Ghosts Are Real So What Does That Mean? | 0839
Matthew 14:28-29 |  | You Have To Step OUT of the Boat to Step INTO the Boat | 0641
Matthew 15:13 |  | What Are You “Worth?” | 0035
Matthew 15:13 |  | What Are You “Worth?” | 0220
Matthew 15:6 |  | Religion is Complicated Christianity is Simple | 0232
Matthew 16:15 |  | Conman, Crank or Christ? | 0479
Matthew 16:15 |  | Which Christ Do You Perceive? | 0579
Matthew 16:15 |  | Pick A Jesus… Any Jesus... | 0711
Matthew 16:25 |  | What Does Jesus Mean Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me? | 0776
Matthew 16:27 |  | The Difference Between Bribe & Reward | 0876
Matthew 18:10 |  | Kids In Church Quotes | 0120
Matthew 18:21-22 |  | If I Pee Again On The Couch They'll Still Forgive Me, RIGHT?!? | 0483
Matthew 18:27 |  | Our SINS …They are many But His MERCY is MORE! | 0625
Matthew 19:25-26 |  | You Can Beat Your Odds Of THIS Happening | 0527
Matthew 19:26 |  | Absolutely Nothing Is Impossible For God | 0501
Matthew 21:21 |  | Are You A Doubter, Denier Or Defector? | 0747
Matthew 21:24 |  | It's Good To Be Broken | 0013
Matthew 21:24 |  | It's Good To Be Broken | 0183
Matthew 22:14 |  | Your Name Was Just Called! Are You Listening? | 0673
Matthew 22:37 |  | When Love Gets Turned Backwards | 0192
Matthew 22:37 |  | We Need The Greatest Love There Is | 0259
Matthew 22:37 |  | Why Do You Go To Church? | 0588
Matthew 23:23 |  | Is The Law Greater Than Morality? | 0655
Matthew 23:33 |  | Is There a Hell? And If So, Should I Care? | 0547
Matthew 24:11-12 |  | Are You Following A False Prophet? | 0719
Matthew 24:12 |  | THIS Is Now Normal & Acceptable In Today's World | 0623
Matthew 24:24 |  | The Blurring of Reality and Illusion | 0197
Matthew 24:51 |  | You can LAUGH Your Way INTO Hell (but) You Cannot Laugh Your Way OUT of Hell! | 0661
Matthew 25:10 |  | Walk Through This Door Before That Door CLOSES! | 0548
Matthew 25:41 |  | I Do Not Choose To Believe In a God That Sends People to HELL! | 0486
Matthew 25:41a |  | Four Words That You Will NEVER Want To Hear! | 0434
Matthew 25:46 |  | The “Hereafter” | 0017
Matthew 25:46 |  | Rest in Peace (or) Rest in Pieces | 0141
Matthew 25:46 |  | The “Hereafter” | 0184
Matthew 25:46 |  | You Will Live Forever | 0754
Matthew 26:41 |  | You Cannot Negotiate With Your Flesh | 0739
Matthew 26:74 |  | The Sins of Omission & Commission | 0245
Matthew 28:20 |  | A Tandem Ride With Jesus | 0001
Matthew 4:4 |  | Living on Cheetos and Diet Coke | 0271
Matthew 5:16 |  | Our Life As An Open Book | 0085
Matthew 5:16 |  | If You Were Arrested For Being A Christian Would There Be Enough Evidence To Convict You? | 0785
Matthew 5:22 |  | Does a 'Loving God' Really 'Send' People To Hell? | 0342
Matthew 5:23 |  | Get Healed By The Great Physician | 0495
Matthew 5:23 |  | The Most Essential Repair Manual You'll Ever Need | 0496
Matthew 5:3-12 |  | The Beatitudes: Understanding The Sermon On The Mount | 0030
Matthew 5:37 |  | Yes, No, or Present | 0179
Matthew 5:39 |  | Stop Being Offended | 0300
Matthew 5:45 |  | The Umbrella Of FAITH | 0796
Matthew 6:14-15 |  | It Ain't Those Parts Of The Bible That I CAN'T UNDERSTAND That Bother Me, It Is The Parts That I DO UNDERSTAND | 0606
Matthew 6:15 & John 3:18 |  | The TWO 'Unforgiveable' Sins | 0659
Matthew 6:19-20 |  | The Ultimate Lay Away | 0392
Matthew 6:21 |  | We Are All At Heart, Treasure Hunters | 0591
Matthew 6:22 |  | Be Careful! Your Eyes are The Window To your Soul | 0323
Matthew 6:22 |  | You Will Become What You Behold | 0530
Matthew 6:23 |  | Have You Put This On Your Bucket List? | 0299
Matthew 6:25-26 |  | The Secret Of Contentment | 0249
Matthew 6:27-29 |  | Balance Your Life Every Day | 0459
Matthew 6:31 |  | The Difference Between Worry & Concern | 0713
Matthew 6:33 |  | Are You On A Happiness Trek Or A Truth Trek? | 0320
Matthew 6:34 |  | Are You Playing Russian Roulette With Eternity? | 0609
Matthew 6:6 |  | Retreat With God Each Morning | 0384
Matthew 7:13-14 |  | You Don't Have To Do Anything To 'Go To Hell' | 0431
Matthew 7:13-14 |  | The Way To Eternal Life Is Going Against The Crowd | 0790
Matthew 7:13 |  | The Wide or Narrow Path | 0127
Matthew 7:14 |  | Don't BelieveTHAT Bumper Sticker! | 0073
Matthew 7:14 |  | Don't Believe THAT Bumper Sticker! | 0182
Matthew 7:14 |  | How Many Ways Are There To Get To Heaven? | 0269
Matthew 7:14 |  | It Is Never Too Late To Turn Back | 0297
Matthew 7:14 |  | The Opposites of Clean and Straight | 0549
Matthew 7:18 |  | From the Root To the Fruit | 0076
Matthew 7:26 |  | Your VALUES Are Based on Your BELIEFS | 0677
Matthew 7:7 |  | Find Out For Yourself | 0764
Matthew 9:21 |  | The Partnership Between Faith & Power | 0382
Matthew 9:29 |  | Results Always Come According To This | 0162
Matthew 9:29 |  | God Only Honors FAITH | 0580
Micah 2:1 |  | The Difference Between Iniquity and Sin | 0753
Peter 2:4 |  | Get the HELL Outta Here! | 0173
Philippians 1:18 |  | Even Charlatan Christian Ministers Accomplish God's Will | 0298
Philippians 1:27 |  | Christians! Take Your Stand! | 0415
Philippians 2:10-11 |  | One Day All will Take BOTH Knees! | 0407
Philippians 2:21 |  | What Do You Seek In This Life? | 0740
Philippians 2:2 |  | The Opposite of Peace Is Pieces | 0419
Philippians 3:10 |  | You May Know the PLAN But Do You Know The MAN? | 0710
Philippians 3:10 |  | Friends KNOW Each Other | 0787
Philippians 3:13 |  | Do Not Live A Life Valued By Your Souvenirs | 0600
Philippians 3:14 |  | Are You In Reverse, Neutral Or Drive About Christ? | 0694
Philippians 3:19 |  | What's At The End Of The Rainbow? | 0769
Philippians 3:20 |  | Will Your Passport Let You Travel To This Country? | 0404
Philippians 3:9 |  | The'Golden Rule' Is NOT Enough! | 0452
Philippians 3:9 |  | Bad People Go To Heaven Good People Go to Hell | 0510
Philippians 4: 12-13 |  | Expect The Unexpected | 0104
Philippians 4:13 |  | Are You a Motor or an Engine? | 0247
Philippians 4:19 |  | God Is Enough | 0263
Philippians 4:5-6 |  | Worry Is Needless Payment On Debt Not Yet Imputed | 0050
Philippians 4:6-7 |  | Coping With Stress | 0071
Philippians 4:6-7 |  | God Will Save Your Lost Children | 0529
Philippians 4:8 |  | Practical Definitions Of Godly Virtues | 0303
Phillipians 4:11 |  | Want -vs- Need | 0854
Phillipians 4:4 |  | For DOG Lovers! | 0094
Proverbs 11:2 |  | The Center of PrIde is I | 0171
Proverbs 11:9 |  | Fake News: Carrots Cause Cancer(?!?) | 0881
Proverbs 1:20-21 |  | God's Divine Notes For Us | 0369
Proverbs 1:24 |  | Be Safe Saved on July 4th | 0221
Proverbs 1:29 |  | What Is Your Playbook? | 0847
Proverbs 13:22 |  | What Will Be Your Legacy? | 0277
Proverbs 13:4 |  | Let Go Of Procrastination | 0820
Proverbs 14:12 |  | Are You Having An Out of Bible Experience? | 0511
Proverbs 14:12 |  | When Plan B Should Have Been Plan A | 0838
Proverbs 14:2 |  | Which WayAre You WALKING? | 0093
Proverbs 14:30 |  | Are You One Heartbeat Away From Heaven or Hell? | 0657
Proverbs 14:31 |  | Charity & Love For Those In Need | 0052
Proverbs 16:24 |  | Choose Sweet Words! | xxxx
Proverbs 16:24 |  | Choose Sweet Words! | 0821
Proverbs 16:25 |  | Is Truth Found By Reason or Revelation? | 0658
Proverbs 16:3 |  | A True God Is Worth Committing To | 0866
Proverbs 16:6 |  | Fear Of The LORD? Really?!? | 0768
Proverbs 1:7 |  | What Does It Mean To FEAR GOD?!? | 0674
Proverbs 17:22 |  | A merry heart does good like a medicine. | 0210
Proverbs 17:22 |  | Why It's So Good To LAUGH!! | 0506
Proverbs 18:21 |  | Be Careful What You Say | 0264
Proverbs 19:16 |  | You can run TOWARDS Your Choices But you can't FLEE Your Consequences | 0815
Proverbs 21:31 |  | There is Safety In His 'ARMS' | 0826
Proverbs 2:1-5 |  | Find Hidden Treasures HERE! | 0005
Proverbs 2:1-5 |  | Your (Hidden) Treasure Awaits! | 0081
Proverbs 2:1,6 |  | The Only 'Self-Help' Book You'll Ever Need! | 0432
Proverbs 22:17 |  | Do You Have It In Your Budget To Pay Attention? | 0817
Proverbs 22:6 |  | We All Learn By Example | 0836
Proverbs 24:16 |  | Sin is A Mistake But A Mistake Is Not A Sin | 0608
Proverbs 24:3-4 |  | Make Your Home A Haven of Love | 0055
Proverbs 25:11 |  | Positive Words Impact Others! | 0121
Proverbs 2:6 |  | Hearing Divine Knowledge and Wisdom | 0391
Proverbs 26:27 |  | It is Better To Stay Out Than Get Out - Mark Twain - | 0857
Proverbs 27:12 |  | Heed The Warning Sign Of The Danger Ahead | 0709
Proverbs 28:13 |  | The Difference Between 'It Broke' & I Dropped It | 0833
Proverbs 29:6 |  | Do Not Make This 'Whale' of a Mistake! | 0525
Proverbs 30:20 |  | The End of Shame | 0170
Proverbs 30:20 |  | The Three Responses To Wrong Doing | 0834
Proverbs 3:11-12 |  | How Strong Is Your Wi-Fa(ith) Connection? | 0075
Proverbs 3:13-15 |  | Wisdom and Health Go Together | 0155
Proverbs 3:13 |  | The Five Keys To Happiness | 0049
Proverbs 3:13 |  | The Five Keys To Happiness | 0202
Proverbs 3:5 |  | Do You Think That You Aren't In Any DANGER If You Were To DIE? | 0603
Proverbs 3:5,6 |  | The Best GPS is not on iPhone or Samsung! | 0195
Proverbs 3:5-6 |  | This is the Only TRUE PLACE to Place Our Trust | 0493
Proverbs 3:6-16 |  | Tune Up Your Ears God is Speaking | 0235
Proverbs 4:14 |  | Are You Going Down The Right Track? | 0469
Proverbs 4:23 |  | Check Your ATTITUDE! Is It Full Of GRATITUDE? | 0003
Proverbs 4:25 |  | The Road We Walk In Life Isn't Always Straight | 0402
Proverbs 4:25-27 |  | Which Way Should You Go? | 0888
Proverbs 4:26 |  | Life Is A Minefield… Consider HOW You Step | 0744
Proverbs 4:26-27 |  | Always Look Straight Ahead | 0089
Proverbs 4:7 |  | The Absolute BEST Search Engine. | 0211
Proverbs 5:3-6 |  | What Is God's Will For Your Life? | 0261
Proverbs 8:12 |  | Wisdom and Understanding Is Waiting For You | 0338
Proverbs 8:13 |  | Don't Let HATE Come Near You | 0350
Proverbs 8:34 |  | Obediently Standing Watch | 0667
Proverbs 8:35 |  | Are You Tuned Into The Right Frequency? | 0533
Proverbs 8:36 |  | Are You Sure About That The Devil Is Cool Thing? | 0763
Proverbs 9:10 |  | The Difference Between Knowledge & Wisdom | 0644
Proverbs 9:9 |  | Who Has Influenced Your Life The Most? | 0626
Psalm 100:1 |  | Change Your Atmosphere Sing God A New Song! | 0002
Psalm 100:4 |  | We Cannot Thank Him Enough! | 0412
Psalm 103:10 |  | What is the Opposite of JUSTICE? | 0317
Psalm 103:8 |  | Not Who You Think He Is | 0585
Psalm 104:24-25 |  | God is Analog Not Digital! | 0139
Psalm 107:8-9 |  | What Does Thanksgiving Mean To You? | 0306
Psalm 116:8 |  | On The SHIP Of LIFE Is Your Soul SAVED | 0488
Psalm 118:12 |  | Don't 'BEE' Stung By The Devil! | 0596
Psalm 119:105 |  | Check Your Course Chart It With God's Word | 0828
Psalm 119:105 |  | God's Word: The Guide For Life | 0868
Psalm 119:130 |  | Shine Your Light, Shine it Bright | 0105
Psalm 119:148 |  | Only Look At The Real Thing | 0129
Psalm 119:30 |  | Are You Living Life HIS Way | 0309
Psalm 119:4 |  | Let’s Practice Our A B C’S | 0063
Psalm 119:59 |  | Living The Glorious Life! | 0278
Psalm 119:88 |  | Let Revival Begin With ME | 0687
Psalm 119:89 |  | God’s Word Never Changes | 0058
Psalm 119:89 |  | You Can Have What You SAY | 0205
Psalm 137:1 |  | This Used to Be What We Practiced As Separation of Church and State | 0308
Psalm 139:13-14,16 |  | Why Do All Lives Matter? | 0008
Psalm 139:13-14 |  | You Are | 0816
Psalm 139:13 |  | Where Were You The Day Before You Were Born? | 0410
Psalm 139: 16 |  | God Loves You Inside and Out | 0069
Psalm 139:16 |  | The Book of Your Life Is Being Written Right Now In Heaven! | 0451
Psalm 139:17-18 |  | More LIKES From HERE Than On Facebook | 0226
Psalm 139:17 |  | Jesus LIKES You | 0473
Psalm 140:10 |  | Let The World Go Come Sit With Me Be Still | 0356
Psalm 141:10 |  | Don't Fall Into This Evil Net | 0859
Psalm 14:1 |  | There Is no god | 0238
Psalm 144:15 |  | Happy Thoughts = Happy Life | 0096
Psalm 144:9 |  | God Loves To Hear You Sing | 0086
Psalm 16:10 |  | Are You Leaving Earth Head First or Feet First? | 0223
Psalm 16:11 |  | What PATH Is Your Life Program Following? | 0567
Psalm 19:1 |  | How Can You Deny God Once You've Seen This? | 0166
Psalm 19:1 |  | All Creation Knows God | 0401
Psalm 19:14 |  | Activate The Mind of Christ | 0074
Psalm 19:14 |  | The Difference Between Prayer and Meditation | 0118
Psalm 19:14 |  | The Difference Between Prayer & Meditation | 0163
Psalm 19:14 |  | Having A Faithful Mind | 0852
Psalm 19:3 |  | THE Most Deadly Sin | 0715
Psalm 2:12 |  | Belief As Opposed To Trust | 0864
Psalm 25:12 |  | Sin is a Choice | 0633
Psalm 25:12 |  | Moving From SURVIVE To THRIVE | 0634
Psalm 25:4 |  | Which Way Is Your Compass Pointing? | 0519
Psalm 30:3 |  | After The Body Goes Where Goes You? | 0738
Psalm 30:3 |  | What The Gospel IS | 0829
Psalm 31:6 |  | Which Idol Are You Looking To? | 0639
Psalm 34:1 |  | PRAISE | 0022
Psalm 34:1 |  | From Broken To Better | 0467
Psalm 34:17 |  | You Don't Have To Be In A Foxhole To Pray This Prayer | 0637
Psalm 34:17 |  | He Is Always There To Pick Us UP↑ | 0736
Psalm 34:18 |  | Moving From Grief To Wholeness | 0772
Psalm 34:8 |  | How Can You KNOW If You Have Not TASTED? | 0742
Psalm 37:13 |  | Will God Laugh WITH You Or Will God Laugh AT You? | 0218
Psalm 38:8 |  | The Fulfilling Taste of Jesus | 0122
Psalm 39:4 |  | Has Your Number Been Called Yet? | 0231
Psalm 40:2 |  | Come Out Of This World | 0722
Psalm 40:7 |  | Your Destiny Has Already Been Written | 0541
Psalm 42:5 |  | The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Is Your Answer To The World's Turmoil | 0373
Psalm 46:10 |  | God's First Language Is Silence | 0704
Psalm 46:10 |  | Peace Be Still | 0792
Psalm 50:16 |  | Cafeteria Bible Verses | 0464
Psalm 5:10 |  | Shut The Door To Sin! | 0646
Psalm 51:17 |  | Broken is Beautiful | 0023
Psalm 5:12 |  | The Shield of God's Favor | 0161
Psalm 53:1/1 Corinthians 8:6 |  | Let's Play The God Casino | 0612
Psalm 57:1 |  | I Didn't See THAT Coming! | 0505
Psalm 62:8 |  | Time is The Key To God's Will For You | 0126
Psalm 77:12 |  | Are You Always Drinking Out Of The Same Coffee Cup? | 0222
Psalm 8:1 |  | Don't Miss The Awesomeness Of God's Creation | 0509
Psalm 84:10 |  | Which Yard Are you Planting? | 0331
Psalm 86:15 |  | Living On Borrowed Time | 0729
Psalm 86:5 |  | After Forgiveness… Apply Mercy | 0565
Psalm 89:15 |  | Freedom From Bondage Is Just Taking One Step Forward | 0255
Psalm 90:10 |  | Your Body is a TEMPORARY Holding Place of your SOUL | 0191
Psalm 90:10 |  | Know The Terms Of Your Lease On Life | 0280
Psalm 90:10 |  | Are You Afraid To EXIT Earth? | 0447
Psalm 90:10 |  | Where Are You On The Gas-Gauge Of Life? | 0597
Psalm 90:12 |  | What's Your Number? | 0322
Psalm 90:12 |  | A 1 in 1,440 Chance | 0428
Psalm 90:8 |  | Are You Still Crushed Under The Curse of Guilt? | 0439
Psalm 92:7 |  | The World Today Is EXACTLY As The Bible Said It Would Be | 0755
Psalm 95:6-7 |  | What Does It Mean To Worship God? | 0009
Psalm 99:5 |  | A Different 80/20 Rule | 0574
Revelation 1:18 |  | Vote: True or False | 0337
Revelation 13:18 |  | The Number Everyone Knows But No One Understands | 0666
Revelation 1:3 |  | Don't Fear Revelation! | 0124
Revelation 13:8 |  | The Master Plan | 0113
Revelation 13:9 |  | He Who Has Ears To Hear LET HIM HEAR | 0761
Revelation 14:11 |  | I Bet Hell Is Fabulous!! | 0154
Revelation 14:9-10 |  | The Choice Is Yours | 0376
Revelation 1:8 |  | The World Is Looking For A Superhero | 0636
Revelation 19:11,12 & 15 |  | Headlines That No One BELIEVES | 0172
Revelation 19:16 |  | Don't Ignore These Two Important Words | 0862
Revelation 20:12 |  | What Will Happen To You In Court Before The Judge? | 0034
Revelation 20:12 |  | Everyone Is Going To Heaven! | 0398
Revelation 20:12 |  | Are You The Accused or the Acquitted? | 0653
Revelation 20:12 |  | An Inconvenient | 0901
Revelation 20:6 |  | One Death Or Two, Sir?? | 0474
Revelation 21:1 |  | The Great Reset Is Coming | 0781
Revelation 2:12 |  | Open Your Spiritual Ears | 0199
Revelation 21:27 |  | Have You Made Your Reservation To Heaven? | 0532
Revelation 21:27 |  | Are You In The Book? | 0628
Revelation 21:27 |  | Fear is of the Heart Faith is of the Spirit | 0629
Revelation 21:4 |  | A Day When Everything SAD Will Become Untrue | 0688
Revelation 2:20 |  | Bombarded By False Light | 0718
Revelation 22:12 |  | Are You Prepping With The Wrong Things? | 0578
Revelation 22:13 |  | Is it 2023 A.D. | 0627
Revelation 3:15-16 |  | Are You Hot, Cold or Lukewarm? | 0638
Revelation 3:15 |  | Yes No, or 'Present?' | 0898
Revelation 3:16 |  | Starbucks Coffee Isn't Lukewarm or Cold | 0043
Revelation 3:16 |  | Rekindle Your Love For God | 0671
Revelation 5:5 |  | Roar As The Great Lion of Judah! | 0616
Revelation 5:5 |  | Which Lion Are You Following? | 0882
Romans 10:17 |  | Are You Practicing F.A.I.T.H. | 0368
Romans 10:9 |  | It's Either FAKE -or- FACT | 0737
Romans 11:34-36 |  | Behold The Wisdom of God | 0329
Romans 1:16 |  | Stand Strong For Christ And The Gospel | 0784
Romans 1:16 |  | If The Gospel Is The Good News Then What Is The “Bad News? | 0903
Romans 1:19-20 |  | I AM YAHWEH The Creator of The Universe | 0033
Romans 12:1 |  | Are You Fat or Fit? | 0078
Romans 12:1 |  | Commitment -vs- Sacrifice | 0812
Romans 12:2 |  | Living Godly In An Ungodly Age | 0135
Romans 12:2 |  | The Transformation of Your MIND | 0253
Romans 12:2 |  | The Transformation of Your Mind | 0330
Romans 12:2 |  | Choose To Have The Mind Of Christ | 0388
Romans 1:22 |  | There Is No 'god' The bible Is A Bunch Of Fairy Tales All christians are Naïve And Stupid Religion Enslaves People And Is Destructive | 0421
Romans 12:2 |  | Being IN The World | 0791
Romans 12:2 |  | Consumer Christian? -or- Dedicated Disciple? | 0895
Romans 1:24,26,28 |  | This Always Happens When You Abandon Safety | 0682
Romans 1:25 |  | Emissions -or- Remissions? | 0662
Romans 12:6 |  | God Wants You To Use Your Gifts | 0543
Romans 1:28 |  | Do You Approve of God? | 0287
Romans 13:11 |  | There Is Always An End Date | 0703
Romans 13:2 |  | Are You Like This Defiant Snake? | 0366
Romans 14:10 |  | Are You A Pew Warmer? | 0293
Romans 16:20 |  | Is Non-Judgment Day Coming? | 0353
Romans 16:20 |  | The Devil Is On A Huge Rampage | 0362
Romans 2:15 |  | Text Messages You Cannot Ignore | 0251
Romans 2:15 |  | Don't Follow The Science Follow The CON-SCIENCE | 0683
Romans 2:5 |  | If You Have One of These THREE Attitudes About Eternal Life Watch Out! | 0358
Romans 3:12 |  | But I Was A Good Person! | 0846
Romans 3:23 |  | The Difference Between Not Guilty & Innocent | 0236
Romans 3:23 |  | All Animals SIN | 0716
Romans 3:28 |  | Are You Good Enough For Heaven? | 0279
Romans 5:12 |  | We All Are All Born In Sin | 0751
Romans 5:12 + Romans 6:23 |  | You CAN Prevent This Existential Event | 0426
Romans 5:3-4 |  | The Power of Perseverance is Practice | 0441
Romans 5:8 |  | What Do You Mean Jesus Died For ME?!?! | 0758
Romans 6:12 |  | Cut The Chain To Sin | 0617
Romans 6:12 |  | You CAN 'Fight Sin!' | 0642
Romans 6:17 |  | Will Power -vs- Heart Power | 0672
Romans 6:21 |  | The Time I Went Down A Slippery Slope | 0480
Romans 6:23 |  | Guilty As Sin | 0524
Romans 6:23 |  | At The End Of Your Life How Will You Be Paid? | 0663
Romans 6:23a |  | How Will You Be Paid At The End Of Your Life? | 0656
Romans 6:5 |  | The Resurrection of Christ Is A BIG FAT LIE! | 0169
Romans 7:15 |  | Are Christians Hypocrites? | 0225
Romans 7:18 |  | A Sure Cure For An Incurable Virus | 0485
Romans 8:11 |  | You Have Supernatural Power! | 0087
Romans 8:11 |  | This is the MOST POWERFUL Verse In The BIBLE! | 0394
Romans 8:12,17 |  | All Debt Must Be PAID | 0152
Romans 8:14 |  | Are You A Child of God Or a Son Of God? | 0351
Romans 8:14 |  | Giving Up Royalty For Humility | 0352
Romans 8:24-25 |  | Hope Is A Drop Of Color On A Cloudy Day | 0339
Romans 8:25 |  | No, Slow, Grow, GO! | 0878
Romans 8:28 |  | Finally Standing With The TRUE STAR! | 0481
Romans 8:34 |  | Are You Willing To Stand In The Gap? | 0788
Romans 8:7 |  | Repeat or Repent? | 0334
Romans 8:7 |  | No One Has To Teach You How To SIN | 0692
Romans 9:33 |  | Christ The Cornerstone | 0117
Song of Solomon 2:1 |  | Come Smell The Sweet Fragrance Of Jesus | 0354
Song of Solomon 4:7 |  | God Created YOU To Love Yourself! | 0640
Titus 1:2 |  | If The Bible Is A Lie Either God is A Liar (or) God Doesn't Exist | 0664
Titus 2:12 |  | Self-Control Is Within Your Reach | 0286
Titus 3:5 |  | Are You 'Going Out' The Way You Think You're 'Going Out?' | 0436
Titus 3:5 |  | The Correct Equation For Salvation | 0733
Titus 3:5 • Galatians 2:16 • 2 Timothy 1:9 • Romans 3:20 |  | Are You Getting Your 'Ticket Punched' To Get Into Heaven? | 0684
Zacheriah 7:11 |  | Don't Tell Me About Jesus! | 0842
Zephaniah 3:17 |  | God's Voice Rejoices Over The World | 0778