Article No. 0901

An Inconvenient
(and inevitable)

“And I saw the dead,
Both important and unimportant people,
Standing in front of the throne of God.
Then the Books were opened, including the Book of Life.
The dead were judged on the basis of what they had done,
As recorded in the books.”

Revelation 20:12

InconvenientTruth Many years ago a popular movie predicted that due to irresponsible managing of resources on the planet would have a severe result upon the earth and its inhabitants. This inevitable 'inconvenient truth' concluded that unless people drastically changed how they lived their lives the consequences of their actions would ultimately lead to the destruction of humanity.

Be that true or not, Revelation 20:12 says that all those who have not lived their lives responsibly will one day be accountable for everything they have done, and the terrible 'Inconvenient Truth' is that there is an even greater consequence.

The fact is that there IS a Heaven and there IS a Hell. The ultimate 'Inconvenient Truth' is that there is likewise a FINAL JUDGMENT — and unless people drastically change how they live their lives, this will lead to their destruction.

Friend, you can laugh at, mock, disbelieve, or ignore this at your will. That’s your choice, but God’s message to you here is NOT A Threat, but A LOVING WARNING to “turn from the way that leads to destruction.” (Matthew 7:13)

Your heavenly father’s heart is that “none be lost but all come to repentence.” (2 Peter 3:9) so if you have not done so there is no better time then this very moment to turn to God and ask Him to fore-give you of all the sins written in those books on judgement day.

What you believe about this will become your eternity.

Which direction will that take you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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