Article No. 0886

Wholehearted Intent

“Serve (God) wholeheartedly and
With a willing mind
For the LORD searches every heart
And understands the intent
Of every thought. ”

1 Chronicles 28:9

Wholeheartedly Years ago the men in our church were challenged to participate in a rowing competition at a nearby park on the river.

As a divergent crew of both old, middle aged, and young fathers inexperienced at this, we nervously boarded a large wooden boat about twenty-five feet long with room for twelve rowers and one steersman in the rear shouting out instructions.

The first race was against three other boats and the steersman - our choir director who was a little feeble “Wally Cox” kind of guy - rhythmically shouted out “Stroke! STROKE! in a steady and sure cadence and surprisingly, we won! Then in the second heat we won again!

It was down to us and one another team and now we were feeling pretty confident - that is until we saw a dozen HUGE muscular guys board the boat next to us! When the whistle blew they took off at blistering speed, and instead of responding with our once bounding confidence, enthusiasm and wholeheartedness, our weak choirmaster timidly spoke ever slower and softer cadences of Stroke, stroke.....stroke.” Without wholehearted and unconditional confidence, we were beaten even before we began.

In life, God calls us to be WHOLEHEARTED. This means having unconditional confidence and enthusiasm that is unfeigned, devoted, and determined despite the circumstances of life or what we see around us in the world. Being wholehearted requires all the pieces of our heart to be filled with Godly attributes, because when we do, “...those that have an honest and good heart that hear and keep God’s word will patiently bring forth fruit.” (Luke 8:15)

Friend, are you living life Wholeheartedly — or with half-hearted strokes?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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