Article No. 0881

Fake News:
“Carrots Cause

“You can be ruined by
The talk of godless people but
The wisdom of the righteous
Can save you.”

Proverbs 11:9

CarrotRabbit When I was eight years old my mother and I heard a newscast on the radio that said; “A recent study says carrots cause cancer.”

I then turned to my mother and said, “Mom, even though I’m only eight years old, even I Know….carrots do NOT cause cancer!”

While a humorous anecdote, a 'Fake News' story that has been circulating among many today is that we all evolved from a primordial pool over billions of years, there is no God, the Bible is simply an old re-translated book of ancient fables and therefore there is no need to be 'saved' from 'sin.'

Just one look up into the milky way on a dark night or the simplest understanding of our complex DNA shows that all of existence could not have happened by accident, but was by the specific design of a creator, and that creator was God. And if one would take more than just a cursory glance at the Bible, you’d also discover that like DNA, it’s design also is not just a random collection of words and superstitious ideas but a highly integrated message system that upon honest evaluation even mathematically proves its divine authorship.

The bottom line is it is all too easy to hear a message like “carrots cause cancer” and take what is clearly false as true. Likewise, please don’t assume that just because popular opinion says the Bible is “Fake News” that that is true. To be fair, also be skeptical about the message of the Gospel of Grace and Salvation, just as I was as an eight year old that carrots do not cause cancer and give it an honest look.

Friend, when you do, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you will find.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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