Article No. 0879

For Christ’s

“Stay Awake
For you do not know when the master of the house will come—
In the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows
Or in the morning—
Lest he come suddenly and find you asleep.”

Mark 13:35

LookingForChrist In today’s verse from Mark 13, Jesus points out four important points that are easily missed in the casual reading of this verse.

First he spoke of the importance of being “Awake,” second that there was an authority - an owner of a house - who is the “Master,” and that when he comes he will come “Suddenly” and lastly warns the listener to be LOOKING and not “Asleep” when the master returns.

Sadly, the fact of the matter is most people are not and life goes on each day seemingly as it always has with little or no thought that either their life will someday end and they will be on the precipice of eternity OR that Christ will be coming back to reclaim his house and those that are in it.

This verse is not meant to scare us but to prepare us because as 1 John 2:16 reminds us “All that is in the world, the Lust of the flesh, and the Lust of the eyes, and the Pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” and it is all too easy because of these things to lose track that the MASTER is coming back.

Friend, The Lord Christ IS coming back.

Are you awake and looking for the master’s return?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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