Article No. 0878

No, Slow, Grow,

“But if we hope
For that we see not,
Then do we with patience

Romans 8:25

GoBeDo Years ago, I had a dear friend of who had a custom license plate on her car reading “GO BE DO” and she was the personification of a person that was always GOing, BEing, and DOing something exciting or interesting! Sometimes it’s good to impetuously move forward, but as today’s scripture verse advises taking a measured approach is God’s more perfect plan.

Perhaps you’ve sought the LORD in prayer about an answer to a pressing want, need or desire and the answer came back as a quiet “NO” but as today’s scripture verse instructs, consider Patience and set aside time to WAIT. In God’s timing in according to His will, the “no” can turn into a “slow” and as you mediate more you“ll realize the “Grow.” Then when you are ready in God’s timing, that may blossom into a GO.

Friend, if you are facing an important decision and are seeking an answer, it may for the moment be a NO, but it also may be a matter of timing. Seek God’s Word, continue in prayer, and in due time the right thing will be revealed.

A NO may simply be a 'Not Yet.'

Patience is the key...
[ In Memory of Diane Fletcher ]

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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