Article No. 0875

Nobody Is
A Perfect

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law,
And yet offend in ONE POINT,
He is guilty of all.”

James 2:10

All10s Perhaps the biggest misconception about how you get into heaven is the often repeated phrase “I’m A Good Person.”

Now don’t get me wrong! Most people DO live honorable lives, so in that regard, most humans are 'good people,' but as today’s verse points out, there is a big problem about what it means to be a 'Perfect 10' before HOLY GOD.

Interestingly enough, the core of the words “HOLY” and “WHOLENESS” are related such that when all the pieces are present, then that which stands is then 'perfect'. Then it is whole and complete - but here’s the thing...

Each time we sin, we lose a piece of ourselves and are no longer whole, so in our human efforts to be perfect, we can never be a 'Perfect 10.'

So what then can make us holy and complete?

The answer is that when Christ paid the price for our sins on the cross with His blood, he made a way for us to be restored and made whole. All we need do is exercise the same faith as the woman who was sick that touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, and just like her, when we do, He says to us:

“Be of good comfort:
Thy FAITH hath made thee

Luke 8:48

Friend, to stand before God is not possible in your own strength by 'being a good person.' It requires believing and reaching out in faith that Jesus is the way to eternal life. So the next step is up to you.

Will you choose to take on His Holiness, or will you depend on your own goodness and holiness?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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