Article No. 0874

Not All Will
Rest In Peace

“And to whom sware he
That they should NOT enter into his
REST But to them that BELIEVED NOT?”

Hebrews 3:18

R.I.P-Gravestone Visit any cemetery and you’ll find many grave stones marked with the letters RIP for “Rest in Peace.” While the moniker deems the deceased an eternity of comfort, is it appropriate for every grave?

God’s word, the Bible, and in particular the words of Jesus Christ directly speaks of the eternal state for some that once entering into the grave that it will not be a place of “Rest.” For certain, messages like this raise the ire of some with the 'there you go again about your angry, vengeful god thing' but there are two important points for honest people to understand about entering the hereafter.

First, 'hell' was NEVER intended for a place to punish mankind! Jesus said in Matthew 25:41 that this was a place originally prepared for the devil and evil angels while on the contrary Jesus said that he is also preparing a place in heaven for us! (John 14:3) Second, the point some stubbornly refuse to see is that God desires NONE to go to this place, but all to be saved as 2 Peter 3:9 promises - “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

The 'stickingpoint' then are the “BELIEVE NOT” & “NOT REPENT” parts, so if that’s where you are, well, that’s your choice.

Friend, God does not force anyone to go into heaven against their will. You can believe what you want to believe or not believe about God, no-god or whatever and the choice of what you think is your 'Hereafter' is entirely up to you. Or you can choose to believe and truly “Rest In Peace” in an eternity that God does NOT want you to go.

When your gravestone says 'Rest In Peace' will that be appropriate for you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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