Article No. 0872

The 'Heart'
Is Not A
Good Leader

“The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked:
Who can know it?”

Jeremiah 17:9

Following-Heart A popular philosophy says that in to get what you want that it’s important to “Follow Your Heart.” In some ways — especially when you have a noble goal and big dream — then yes, it is indeed helpful to follow and listen to your heart, however as Jeremiah 17:9 warns, there is a flip-side to this.

You see, especially in matters of love, romance, and relationships, passion and desire often easily get in the way of wisdom, prudence, and sound judgement. Many relationships that began with strong emotion and burning passion have ended in failure because instead of seeking divine guidance, they instead followed their heart off a cliff into a broken relationship and heartbreak.

So when it comes to these kinds of 'matters of the heart' don’t just depend on your heart to guide you, but first listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to you through your CONSCIOUS, confirmation by God’s Word, and especially the encouragement - or warning - that people close to you may be confirming or denying.

Friend, when these three things line up and are in agreement, you’ll have confidence and confirmation that your heart has not been mislead!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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