Article No. 0871

The Saviour
The Judge

“And others save with fear,
Pulling them out of the fire
Hating even the garment
Spotted by the flesh.”

Jude 1:23

SaviourOrJudge On a dark winter night a young man’s car skidded on an icy bridge, crashed into the ironwork and burst into flames. A man behind him came to his rescue, pulling him out of the fire and saving his life.

Years later that same fellow, now much older, clothes stained in vomit from a drunken stupor and arrested for driving under the influence stood before a judge in shame, but his sorrow turned to hope seeing that the man of the court was the same man that saved him years ago.

Relieved, he cried up to him, “Oh! Remember me?! You saved my life and pulled me out of the fire! Please have mercy on me!” But the judge responded, “At that time, I was your saviour and gave you the chance for life and rescued you out of the fire, but now I stand before you as your JUDGE.

You see, when Christ died for us on the cross, he made a way to save all of us from a fire that was never intended for mankind, but for unholy angels (Matthew 25:41) yet by our life choices we stain the garment of our lives in rebellion and sin and not seek the cleansing power of the Blood of Christ, repent from our ways, and honour him as our Saviour.

Friend, Christ has made a way to rescue you out of the fire. Seek him and honor him, receive his forgiveness, and make him LORD of your life and in that final hour at the end of time the question is when you stand before God...


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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