Article No. 0870

The Sign
Behind The

“For the preaching of the CROSS
Is to them that perish is
But unto us which are saved it is
The power of God.”

1 Corinthians 1:18

OneWaySign+Cross If you saw a sign that said 'ONE WAY' and went in that direction your journey will be safe because ignoring it would be foolish resulting in injury - or even death.

Jesus also said that there was ONE WAY to eternal life, that he was that way, and that way is through His cross. Although just as clear as that road sign, instead of heading this sign to safety, as 1 Corinthians 1:18 says for some it appears instead to be FOOLISH, but like that road sign, if ignored it would also result in peril.

This 'One Way' sign of the Gospel is not God’s intent to scare anyone, but to point all that will heed it to give them safe passage from this world to the next. The Bible says that God desires that NO ONE PERISH but that ALL arrive safety in eternal life and that 'Sign Behind The Sign' of “ONE WAY” is the Cross of Christ on Calvary.

God’s loving, urgent plea is to follow Him to go in that direction, because when you do, your soul, life, and safety in eternity is assured.

Friend, will you heed this sign... or does it seem FOOLISH to you?

(It is never too late while in this life to go towards God.)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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