Article No. 0869

Of The

“Am I therefore become
Because I tell you
The Truth?”

Galatians 4:16

OffendedByTheCross These days, people are easily offended by most anything.

Offended by politics, offended by differing values, offended by culture, offended by speech, offended by appearance, offended by race, or offended just because they choose to be offended!

Being offended seems to be the norm this day, and while there are many differing ways that many are offended, there is one unifying thing that a large group of people are offended by, and that is by the Gospel Message, and in particular, by a man (Jesus Christ) that proclaimed that He - and He alone - is “The, WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.”

People just don’t want to hear that there is a Holy, Righteous God that is LORD of all, that will judge all according to their works, that there will be a a day of reckoning before God and a final judgement, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that the only hope is in the one that says that not only that He is 'the way' but that He is the ONLY WAY.

Nothing could be more offensive then to to challenge our own personal views and beliefs, that a clearly out-dated, archaic book of 'old-wives tales,' myths is 'truth' (sic) and not instead by obvious, rational human reasoning and the undeniable reality of modern and highly advanced science and technology. Certainly we have evolved, clearly, in the human race beyond such superstitious fallacies and falsehoods!

Consider instead that despite what may seem a harsh, 'hateful' and OFFENSIVE message that the reality is that just like a sign that says 'DANGER! Bridge Out Ahead!' or 'Evacuate Now - Storm Coming!' or 'Do Not Enter! Contaminated Area!' that the Bible instead is giving us a loving, impassioned message about life now and what may - or may not - occur after this life ends. God’s message is that He LOVES THE WORLD (John 3:16) and has provided a way for ALL who will listen to his impassioned plea to enter through the only door that is the sure way to safety into eternity after this life ends.

So here’s the thing: your life WILL ENDThis Is For Certain — and that should not either offend or be news to anyone. The question you have to ask yourself is ’Is my being “offended” more 'True' than this 'Only One Way' message?!?

Friend, this is a choice that only you can make. No one is forcing you to accept or believe the ardent plea of salvation and eternal life that Christ offers as THE Way to eternal life. You can accept and receive this free offer, or reject and be offended by it.

What is your choice?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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