Article No. 0868

God’s Word:
The Guide For Life

“Your word is a
Lamp to my feet and a
Light to my path”

Psalm 119:105

BibleGuideForLife It’s been said that life, children and money don’t come with instructions, but that’s not true! You see, God HAS given us a guide for how to live and manage our lives, and that is His Word, the Bible.

The Bible is not simply a collection of 'stories,' 'myths,' and genealogies, but a guide of how people have lived and need to live in order to traverse the ins and outs and difficulties of life. It truly is THE Life Manual on how to live successfully and navigate through and above every circumstance by showing us how to avoid making wrong decisions - and choose right ones.

When we yield ourselves to the authority of God’s Word and abide by His principles, we will not be dominated by this world’s fallen ways and standards and reap the harvest of bad decisions.

Friend, there is only one way to living a life on a straight road that does not meander into danger to the left or right that is also the way to eternal life, and that is following the wise and true instructions of His Word.

What is your GUIDE for living YOUR LIFE?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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