Article No. 0866

A True God
Is Worth
Committing To

“Commit your works to the Lord
And your plans will be established”

Proverbs 16:3

StairsOfCommitment Who would you say you are committed to?

There are many worthwhile things and causes in life to be committed to like our spouse, family, job, our church, or community. In doing so we are giving of ourselves in trust or charge for safe keeping with an obligation by pledge or assurance to accomplish what we have set out to do. All these and others are good and noble things, but as Proverbs 16:3 reminds us when we commit all we do to God, he will always provide a plan to succeed in it.

As confidently as we may feel in our heart about our own strength, thoughts and plans the fact is that we are all human and we can and do make mistakes. Sadly, today we see this magnified in the world as mankind has grown farther and farther away from the safety, security and guidance of the LORD. The result has led many to become his or her own god, committed to following their own ways, rather than their best God-ordained way.

The Bible says are our lives are but a mist that is here for a brief moment then quickly gone, but the Word of God will last forever. That’s why when we put our trust in Him and commit ourselves to His Word and depend upon Him for all the concerns of life He will establish the best way in the brief time we have in his life to supply all that is needed to get us where we need to be.

Friend, commit yourself to His Word and teachings recognizing that He is the One True God, and the only thing or one to be truly committed to.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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