Article No. 0864

As Opposed To

“Blessed are all they
That put their trust
In him.”

Psalm 2:12

HighWire A high-wire walker dazzled crowds at a fair. Far below, people looked up in amazement as he traversed the wire repeatedly carrying various objects of even the most complex shapes and weights repeatdly with ease and grace.

Seeing a small boy below mesmerized by what he saw he said to the lad, “Come up here with me and I will also carry you safely across!”

But the little boy said he didn’t think so.

The man earnestly called out again to him, “Do you believe I can do it?!?” to which the lad replied,

“YES! I DO believe you can. I’m just not sure that I can trust my life in your hands.

This is also how many people also view God. While they've heard his call to trust in Him, like that boy, they stay where they are and are afraid to completely place their life in his hands.

Just believing that God exists is not enough, but instead both Believing and Trusting that he has your best interests in heart. As today’s scripture says, when you do you will be blessed, and he will never let you fall!

Friend, is that you? If so, consider these words of assurance from 2 Timothy 1:12...

“For I KNOW whom I have believed AND AM PERSUADED that HE IS ABLE to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Will you take that step today and move from 'Belief' to TRUST?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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