Article No. 0861

These Things Were Written

“But these are written, that
Ye might believe that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that

Ye might have LIFE
Through his name.”

John 20:31

WriteLife The Bible is not just another manuscript that is a collection of various authors, a chronological history book, or yet another tome of literature. Instead, it has a far more meaningful and momentous purpose.

It’s message is so simple, yet people unfortunately miss the single most important point, and that is -Life- Not just about living in this life of 'being a good person,' or living by 'moral principles,' but about a simple offer to live another life beyond this life into the next life of ETERNAL LIFE.

So what do you need to do? Simple.

Read and believe what has been written about Jesus Christ. Believe in who He is, and BELIEVE IN HIS NAME by

CONFESS(ING) with your mouth
The Lord Jesus and
BELIEVING in your heart that
God has raised him from the dead and

Romans 10:9

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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