Article No. 0860

Why Some
Cannot Understand
This Message

“But the natural man
Receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God
For they are foolishness unto him:
Neither can he know them
Because they are spiritually discerned.”

2 Corinthians 2:14

InDarknessNotBelieving The Bible, and the Gospel Message, is actually very simple to understand, and that is this.

We are all born physically into this world, and despite our best efforts of positive thinking, meditation, eating right. exercising, etc. All Will Die — but here is where the Gospel offers a hopeful alternative beyond physical death.

'Gospel' literally means “Good News,” and that 'good news' is that Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross to pay for all the sins of all people in the world. Those that both BELIEVE this to be true and publicly ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFESS this to others will be spared from the 'second death' of their spirit and soul cast away forever from God. However for those that do believe, God’s loving heart for people and promise is that he urgently wants to save them from this and have Everlasting Eternal Life.

That’s it.

As today’s verse states, for some (maybe you) this is completely Naïve, Non-Sensical, and Stupid. If that is how you think and feel, then ok... that is where you are.

But friend, consider this...

LIFE is NOW, DEATH is CERTAIN. When your life ends, what comes next, and given the offer of the gospel message, are you willing to bet your eternity based instead ONLY on what you THINK?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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