Article No. 0854


“I speak not as it were for want.
For I have learned,
In whatsoever state I am,

Phillipians 4:11

HalfFull After being the winning bidders of a rare multi-million dollar classic European car at a high-brow auto auction, a reporter interviewing the winning couple asked how they felt as the new owners. The pair - obviously of high means - were absolutely elated to be adding this showpiece to their already expensive automobile collection, but it was the woman’s last statement that said it all…

“Jim and I agonized over winning this bid. We both said,
We WANT this car,
We NEED this car!

Sadly, that is how many people view what they have – or don’t have – in life. For some the thought of 'If only I had THAT (job, house, car, money, position, title, honor etc.) then I’d be happy.'

However, consider this…

You will never fill an Empty Cup,
If what you have is Not ENOUGH.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life or things that may bring happiness, but if that is your only focus, your cup will never become full. Like that wealthy couple, the glass will never be - or get - completely full.

Friend, life indeed has its highs and lows so regardless of what you do not have take stock of all the blessings you DO have. Everyone alive has a lot to be thankful for, so instead of thinking your glass is half full, remember this from 1 Timothy 6:6-8:

“But godliness with CONTENTMENT is great gain.
For we brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
And having food and raiment
let us be therewith content.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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