Article No. 0851

What It Really Means
When God Asks You
A Question

“And the LORD God called unto Adam,
And said unto him,
Where art thou?

Genesis 3:9

GodQuestionsAdam After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of the Tree of Good and Evil, the Bible says they had become naked and 'hid themselves.' Then God asked Adam the question, “Where art thou?” ...and here’s why.

Whenever God asks us a question It’s Not Because He Doesn’t Know The Answer! Instead, it is because He wants us to pensively reflect on how far we’ve distanced ourselves from Him. That is, He’s not asking US for an answer, but asking US to answer that question to ourselves.

You see, whenever we stray from God, the Holy Spirit speaks to us just as He did to Adam that we might see how we’ve distanced ourselves from Him and take stock of where we’ve moved and how and why we’ve hidden ourselves from the truth. Invariably this is moving from being in the light to hiding in the darkness and trying to cover up our sin — just as Adam and Eve did.

The Good News (Gospel) is that no matter how far you’ve moved from God, He is always there to love and forgive those who come to him with a broken and contrite spirit. (Psalm 51:17)

Friend, there is ALWAYS reconciliation with the Father, so if you are having an 'Adam Moment' right now about a difficult question God is asking you, how will you answer it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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