Article No. 0850

The Power Of
The Shield

“Put on the whole armour of God,
That ye may be able to stand against
The wiles of the devil…
Wherewith ye shall be able to quench
All the fiery darts of the wicked (one).”

Ephesians 6:11,16

ShieldsUp In the classic television series 'Star Trek,' whenever the starship Enterprise was under attack, Captain Kirk would say “Engage Shields” and all weapons directed at the ship would be repelled. As long as the power of the anti-matter warp core was at full strength powering the shield, no 'fiery dart' directed against the ship could defeat it.

As in this fictious sci-fi tale, we also have a shield that protects us from the enemy’s fiery darts, and this is the Shield of Faith. As the anti-matter core was the power behind the Enterprise’s shield, it is God’s unlimited power that forms our shield. Our part is to engage this shield, and the strength of that shield is directly related to the amount of faith we have in the unlimited power of God behind it.

The Bible assures us many times of God’s protective shield for those that exercise faith in Him to do so. Psalm 115 says “Trust thou in the LORD: he is (your) help and (your) shield” while Psalm 28 proclaims, “The LORD is my strength and my shield.”

To defeat the “The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked One” requires exercising full faith in God and His Word. When you are living a holy life and walking in faith, then this promise is assuredly yours whenever evil opposition looms:

“The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in him, and I am helped.“

Psalm 28:7

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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