Article No. 0847

What Is

“They hated moral knowledge,
And did not choose to fear the LORD”

Proverbs 1:29

LifeManual In football, coaches draw up a playbook before taking the field and reference it as they play the game. Likewise, whether we realize it or not, we all live life based on a playbook that we either consciously or unconsciously choose to follow. So the question is:

“What is Your playbook?”

Many simply follow 'The Golden Rule,' for others it’s heeding the wise teachings of famous philosophers. Some make it up as they go along, and for others it could even be reading 'The Playboy Advisor!.'

But here’s the thing…

God has given us a perfectly written playbook called THE BIBLE, and when you choose to look upon and follow this as the manual for successful living, it will ALWAYS lead to the best possible outcome for your life.

Friend, when you choose to cast your eyes God’s “Moral Knowledge” and “Honor and Fear the LORD,” it is a guaranteed way to win the game of life — both now...and into eternity.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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