Article No. 0844


“The heart is deceitful
Above all things and
Desperately wicked
Who can know it?”

Jeremiah 17:9

HeartDeceptive In 1972, country stars Barbara Mandrell and David Houston released a hit song called “How Can It be Wrong, When It Feels So Right?“ about two married people having an affair. As the song ends, they woefully depart saying:

'How can it be wrong when it feels so right
And we’ll both go home
To Another Tonight?'

Contrary to the popular wisdom of the world where people are encouraged to 'Follow Their Heart,' today’s verse from Jeremiah pointedly warns us to be careful on solely trusting on the emotions of the heart.

Like this couple in the song, many people have been in situations when things 'felt right' - yet deep down they knew it was wrong. This has happened to me - and perhaps it has happened to you too.

Friend, we cannot live a faithful life by following our heart, but instead by following the Holy Spirit’s leading and God’s Word guiding us. When you trust God fully — and not your heart — it will not only truly Feel Right, but always BE RIGHT.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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