Article No. 0842

Don’t Tell Me

“They refused to pay attention
Stubbornly they turned their backs and
Covered their ears.”

Zacheriah 7:11

DontTellMe Growing up in San Francisco was always a colorful experience. Besides being a major international city and “The Gateway To The Pacific” it was not only a crossroads of cultures, but also a cacophony of colorful commentators.

The Hare Krishna movement was big in those days and downtown on Market Street in the middle of bustling commerce and crowds, the Krishnas with their long robes, shaved heads and banging drums were ignored by passersby’s. And of course there were the Timothy Leary-like 'hippies' protesting something or holding up peace symbol signs, and they were also ignored as well.

But one thing that always created a stir and opposition in our wild, anything-goes city of San Francisco was to stand on a corner and Proclaim the Name of Jesus. So instead of the usual nonchalant attitude given towards other colorful characters -just as today’s scripture verse reminds us - people would either purposely turn away and ignore the gospel message or in some cases, angrily yell, gawk, or openly mock it.

You see, the name of JESUS is powerful because it challenges the heart, souls, and minds of people. Invoking the idea of Jesus not only evokes a response, it also requires an answer, and that is an answer many sadly either do not want or choose to make.

If you are in the “Don’t Tell Me About Jesus” camp, I understand, and you are not alone. Many others feel the same, but consider this.

What is it about Jesus that is evoking that response in you?

Friend, I cannot not answer that question for you. You have to answer that question for yourself. This message is simply to get you to think or consider why or why NOT, and to answer Jesus’ question to all of us:

“Who do YOU say that I am?”
Matthew 16:15

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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