Article No. 0840

Your Eyes
On Jesus

“Fixing your eyes on Jesus…
Consider Him who endured such opposition…
So that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Hebrews 12:2-3

LookOntoChrist All of us - at one time or another - have been and felt tired, vulnerable, emotional and exhausted. These low moments often lead to mental, physical, and spiritual fatigue end even feelings of hopelessness.

Times like this are a part of our journey through life, but here is the good news! God has equipped you to transcend your troubles by Fixing Your Eyes On Jesus.

Now How’s That, You Say?!?

Jesus Christ paid dearly for our ultimate suffering when he died on the cross and bore the sins of the world. If you stop to ponder this, ultimately it was His willingness to suffer so much to bear and remove the burden of sin and death. By comparison, realize that our current trials are by comparison TEMPORARY, and that despite a time of difficulty you can gain confidence that Christ can strengthen you in your time of trial.

Just as today’s scripture reminds us fixing your eyes on Christ is key, because when you do “You will not grow weary and lose heart.” And just as the old gospel hymn also beautifully says, when we focus on Christ and not the storms around us, 'The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace.'

So friend, remember during difficult times to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. When you focus on Him, and not yourself, you’ll then find the relief and peace you need, because your troubles and concerns will be lifted off your shoulders and placed onto His.

“Take my yoke upon you...
and ye shall find rest unto your souls...
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:29,30

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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