Article No. 0834

The Three
To Wrong Doing

“Such is the way
Of an adulterous woman;
She eateth, and wipeth her mouth,
And saith,
I have done no wickedness.”

Proverbs 30:20

ProverbsHarlot The Bible calls severe wrong doing SIN, and the original language definition is an archery term meaning to not hit the bullseye and 'Miss The Mark'.

All of us - either willingly or unwittingly - will repeatedly 'miss the mark' in life, and when we do there are three ways we can choose to respond.

The FIRST, and most shameless response is outright REFUSAL. In today’s scripture verse - where after a most egregious transgression – someone acts like what they’ve done is no big deal and they just go on with their life.

The SECOND response is having REGRET where, after the transgression, there is acknowledgement of the wrong done with great regret — but Without Repentance. For example in Matthew 27:3 after Judas betrayed Jesus and returned the money given him by the Pharisees but instead of repenting before God he ran from his responsibility and hung himself.

The THIRD response is honest and sincere REPENTANCE when you realize and accept responsibility for your wrongdoing and confess it to God – and sometimes also confess it to others. In 2 Samuel 12:13 King David repented before God and Nathan for sending Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba to his death to cover up the adulterous affair he had had with his wife.

Friend, we all make mistakes, and 'Miss The Mark.'

When you do,

How Will

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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