Article No. 0830

The Four Doors
Of The Afterlife

“One, Two, Three, Four”
(Your Personal Doctrine Here)

FourPossibilitiesSquares A big question – perhaps the biggest 'unknown' answer is “What happens after you die?” There are many religious, spiritual and nontheist views on this, and without injecting a conclusion here it really gets down to one of four possibilities.

ONE: You Cease To Exist.
The body dies and anything connected with your thoughts and mind also cease to be. It is nothingness like if you went to sleep and were not dreaming. You are just 'out.'

TWO: Everyone goes to a Heaven or Nirvana
Everything there is good and pleasant. There is nothing you need to do to be there. Just live this life as you please then die.

THREE: We live many lives and Reincarnate
Our purpose in this life is to raise up spiritually to an ever-higher level of consciousness and perfection. This may continue repeatedly until ultimately elevating into a pure spiritual being.

FOUR: There is a Righteous And Holy God
and there is a final judgement to heaven or hell.

This message is NOT about which of these four possibilities is true or false, but about what YOU BELIEVE - either actively or passively - in one of these four outcomes.

Friend, it is without debate that once we are born that one day life WILL end. The question we all need to grasp is it to number One, Two, Three or Four?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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