Article No. 0826

There is Safety
In His 'ARMS'

“The horse is prepared against
The day of battle: but
Safety is of the LORD.”

Proverbs 21:31

ArmsOrArms In a world of so much uncertainty and turmoil we are constantly wondering what is going to happen next if things come to a point of war or disaster. Then where will we find safety?!?

While preparation of a strong military is good, today’s scripture verse reminds is that in the end our true safety is not in armies, countries, or politics, but ultimately in God.

The Apostle Paul confirmed this assurance by God for his people saying “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.” (2 Corinthians 4:8) Indeed, though it might feel (and indeed be) like the world is about to explode with war, financial collapse, or political conflict keep in mind that God Is In Control and He knows exactly what is going on, allowing perplexing human actions to occur unwittingly by those that do them to accomplish His purposes in His time.

The state of today’s world is indeed worrisome, but remember this — the most often used phrase in the entire Bible is FEAR NOT! Our ultimate protection is NOT in the temporal ARMS of Men Or Nations, but in the Loving Arms Of God in His Kingdom!

Friend, Run To His Arms, and there you will find safety.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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