Article No. 0822

Embrace A
Fresh Beginning

“Behold, I will do a NEW thing!
Now it all springs forth…
will even make a road
In the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:19

CrookedToStraightPath We all experience different seasons in life, and some of these times may be marked with missteps, regrets, and bad memories of the past. Regardless of our previous mistakes, God doesn’t want us to be bound up by the crooked ways of our past because His desire is to free us from the guilt or shame of our former life and give us a fresh beginning.

Jesus tells us himself in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He never wants to hold back anything less than the very best for us desiring only to bless us with every good thing! That is His promise to all those that are in and with Him! Now, this does NOT mean everyone will be rich or disease free, but it DOES mean that for His purposes in this life there is a good destiny that He is working in you to bring you to your own personal 'wealthy place.'

Friend, if your past feels like a wilderness with no compass to guide you, know that God wants to make a road through it by redeeming your past. When you come to Him with a repentant heart, He will forgive you, and that is the first step on the “Way that leadeth unto life.” (Matthew 7:14) so come to the Lord Jesus today. Pour out your heart and ask him to give you a fresh, new beginning and you will see how your life will be on a better road leading to a better destination.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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