Article No. 0817

Do You Have It In
Your Budget To
Pay Attention?

“Pay attention.
Turn your ear to the sayings of the wise and
Apply your heart to what I teach.”

Proverbs 22:17

DistractedAttention In today’s world we are constantly bombarded with things that demand our constant attention! Text and mail messages pop up on our phones - and we immediately drop everything. News stories flash across the page - and then we are lured into spending time reading a tantalizing (and often trivial) story. Then there are the mundane but necessary daily tasks of life like paying bills and emptying the garbage from which after all of this we set our time of relaxation and attention to watching a movie or ball game on television.

Well, nothing is wrong with any of those things, but if you are like me all this should sound not only familiar but typical of how easily our attention can be diverted, and that is where today’s scripture verse reminds us of what truly is important.

You see, one of the easiest ways we are deceived is through Diversion, and when we allow our attention to not follow what God is saying to us, it doesn’t lead us to the best place we could have been. The Apostle Paul put this best saying:

“Set your affection (i.e. attention) on
Things above, not on
Things on the earth.”

Colossians 3:2

While we are all in the world and do indeed have to do (and can certainly enjoy) the things of life, be sure to pay attention first to those things that are most important.

Friend - do you have it in your life budget to Pay Attention To God?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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