Article No. 0813

Got Hope?
(But What Kind?)

“The hope of the righteous
Shall be gladness
But the expectation of the ungodly
Shall perish.”

Hebrews 11:25

GotHope The New Testament word for 'HOPE' is the Greek word 'elpidzo' and it means to Expect, have Confidence and Trust that something will occur. It is a word that guarantees that a promise will come to pass and that those that have that hope will be fulfilled. However, not all “hope” practiced by people is the same.

The flip side of hope is not promise but 'possibility' like, 'If traffic isn’t too bad, I HOPE to be home by 7:00' or 'Let’s HOPE this is going to be a good year. '

A great hymn of the faith proclaims —

“On Christ the solid ROCK I stand,
all other ground is Sinking Sand

...and that pretty much sums up each possible “hope” that one depends on.

We all have HOPE in Something or (perhaps even someone) but the only true hope we can have is indeed that solid rock of Jesus Christ and the guaranteed promise of eternal life for those that look up to HIM as our only true HOPE.

There are two kinds of hope.

Which type are you depending on?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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