Article No. 0811

Always Listen
To His Voice

“Mary said to the servants,
'Whatever Jesus Says To You,
Do It.'

John 2:5

WeddingFeast-DoIt At the wedding feast in Cana in Galilee, Jesus performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. What is easily overlooked here is focusing on the miracle and missing a key point which is not only at the heart of Christ’s ministry, but is a fundamental principle and message of the entire Bible.

From the time Jesus was born, Mary was keenly aware of who her son was and how and why he had come into the world (as) “…(she) pondered all these things in her heart” (Luke 2:19) from his birth until this special moment. Knowing this, she instructed the servants at a critical moment to listen to whatever Jesus said to them and to DO IT, and we would be wise to also do the same.


Because whatever Jesus says is always True, Tried, and Trustworthy, and when we follow the servant’s example it will likewise always yield a fruitful result.

Friend, God Is Right 100% of the Time! Listen for His Voice, follow His commandments, because when you do, good things will always follow.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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