Article No. 0809

The Power Of
Negative Affirmations

“When David’s older brother heard
David confidentially challenging the soldiers around him
That he could defeat Goliath, Eliab angrily said,
'Why are you here and
Why did you leave your place in the pastures?'

1 Samuel 2:16-18
(VERY Heavily paraphrased for clarity & brevity)

Undeterred In 5th grade I begged my parents to play the violin, but because none were available at the school they grudgingly had to rent one from a local music store. A few weeks (of rental money later…) while in a rehearsal, mindlessly moving the bow back and forth with NO CLUE to what I was doing, the teacher mercifully excused me, and that was the end of my foray with the violin – along with a stern lecture about my failed venture!

Next year I realized I really wanted to play trumpet, and fortunately one was available at no cost from the school. Once home, I blurted out to my mom about getting a trumpet after which she abruptly whipped around from washing dishes and scornfully said, “Well, you better not FAIL at this like you failed on the violin!”

Well, that wound up being all the motivation I needed!

Going to my room, I defiantly picked up that battered old trumpet, saw a low C and played it… and the rest is history as I went onto being an accomplished professional trumpet player.

Likewise the young shepherd boy David had the lowly and undesirable job of tending sheep while his older brothers were mighty soldiers in the army. Leaving his flock he came up to the battlefield upon hearing about the menacing giant Goliath and boldly proclaimed that he could defeat (or 'play') him(!) Despite his brother’s scornful rebuke he went on to not only killing that giant but later became an accomplished King of Israel.

You see friend, sometimes the motivation and inspiration to succeed comes when others say you CANNOT do something! This is just as the Bible reminds us,

“And let us not be weary in well doing
For in due season we shall reap,
If we faint not.”

Galatians 6:9

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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