Article No. 0806

Take The Entire
Dose As Recommended

“And it shall be our righteousness
If we observe TO DO ALL these commandments
Before the LORD our God
As he hath commanded us.”

Deuteronomy 6:25

DosageOfCommandments As a teenager I had reoccurring bouts with strep throat and the remedy was always the same - take one spoonful of a thick cherry-flavored penicillin syrup three times a day until the entire prescribed dosage was completed.

However instead of following the instructions on the label, when the sore throat went away I repeatedly ignored the doctor’s instructions and stopped taking the medicine as prescribed. While I felt fine, by not observing the directions “TO DO ALL” a slight trace of the strep bacteria remains in me, and to this day when exposed to cold air for an extended period of time the strep will try to come back.

God gave these same directions to “…to do ALL these commandments” to the people multiple times in the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy and Chronicles with the promise that when they did there would be blessing and protection. This was and is God’s plan for all those that do, but just like not following the instructions on the bottle to the fullest, the consequences if you do not are “...long-lasting afflictions and severe, enduring illnesses.” (Deuteronomy 28:59)

Just like the accurate and wise prescription by the doctor TO DO ALL, the same promise of health, safety, and protection is ensured when we faithfully follow the directions given us in God’s Word. This doesn’t mean that life will not be without “...trials and tribulation” (John 16:33) but it does promise us that the PATH that you are on will always eventually lead you to a place of spiritual safety and abundant life. (John 10:10)

Friend, take the 'entire dose as recommended' given by God for your benefit in His Word and your spiritual health will always be certain.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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