Article No. 0805

On Which Side
Of This Door
Are You?

“And the LORD said unto Noah,
Come thou and all thy house INTO THE ARK;
For thee have I seen RIGHTEOUS
Before me in this generation.”

Genesis 7:1

Ark+Cross One of the most mocked, misaligned and misunderstood passages in the Bible is Noah’s ark where critics are quick to point out how CRUEL this 'god' must be to destroy all those people by a great flood. Without taking a deeper look the entire account seems more than a bit wacky, but when you carefully read the 'back story' of the underlying WHY behind it, it all makes sense based on one key word in today’s verse.

The Bible says that the wickedness of people over the entire earth at that time was SO GREAT that “All their thoughts Continually Focused On Evil. ” (Genesis 6:5) and even the earth itself became corrupted and unrighteous and filled with violence (v11). The situation had become so bad that God literally wanted to start over with people that were loyal to his character.

In Genesis 6 God gave the world one hundred twenty years before the end would come. Noah “(the) preacher of RIGHTEOUSNESS” (2 Peter 2:5) had to have hired others to build this enormous structure during which time he tried to tell them what would happen and what they needed to do to be saved from this coming judgement. Yet after all the animals and his family had entered into the ark that door remained open for seven days (Genesis 7:10) for any that choose to enter — BUT NO ONE FOLLOWED — and then God himself SHUT THE DOOR. (Genesis 7:16)

Here is the parallel and lesson that is still valid over 4,000 years later.

Friend, on one side of this door are the RIGHTEOUS which chose to be with and like God, and on the other side are the UNRIGHTEOUS which have chosen to continue in their ways and not go with 'god.' Jesus said “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” (John 10:9) All of us have a CHOICE to be on ONE SIDE of the door OR THE OTHER.

The question is; on which side of this door do you chose to be.

The RIGHTEOUS side (or)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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