Article No. 0804

We Live By
Not By

“I will make your descendants
As numerous as the stars in the sky and
Will give them all these lands, and
Through your offspring
All nations on earth will be blessed.”

Genesis 26:4

FromUr2PromisedLand Today’s scripture reference from Genesis 26 tells one of the most interesting accounts of history as well as the great faith of one man.

While living in a far-away pagan land a man called Abram was visited by God to leave the land or Ur. He was not told exactly where to go, but simply “…to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) After he obeyed and arrived in what was later declared to be his people’s 'Promised Land' he was then told that through his lineage that he would become the father of an almost unmeasurable number of people that would be a blessing upon the entire world. What makes this seemingly impossible “Promise” even more intriguing is that he and his wife were far beyond child bearing age, so then HOW could this even be possible?

This is the great paradox of faith, in that it is as Hebrews 11 says that faith “ the evidence of things NOT seen” in that FAITH becomes REALITY when it is put into ACTION by stepping out, yet not knowing exactly why or where it is leading.

For the 'Natural Man' this is illogical and foolish (1 Corinthians 2:1) but for those that understand and know that God’s thoughts and plans for us are always right the walk of faith is always a sure and safe way to be exactly in our perfect place. (Psalm 66:12)

This 'Faith-Walk' is not easy as God does not explain the WHY, be he does guarantee the HOW when the time of fruition comes to pass.

Friend, Like Abram, step out in faith as God directs - and when you do - he will always bring you to a place of safety and blessing.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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