Article No. 0803

Hell is Fun
Heaven is Boring

“Seek Thou The
Pleasures Of This World
And Thou Shalt Also
Also Enjoy Them In
The Kingdom Below”

2 Hezekiah 1:01(!!)

HeavenVsHell Well, of course, “2 Hezekiah 1:01” is NOT in the Bible! But there are many that think that given the choice between hell or heaven that hell is a much more fun place to be!

Sadly this cartoon version of the after-life has influenced many that heaven is a BORING, cold place where you sit around on clouds playing harps and that the place you really want to be is a FUN eternal party of wine, women, and song. However the Bible says nothing could be further from the truth.

On the contrary, the Bible is extremely clear that hell is no party, but is a Place of Torment (Luke 16:24) and Darkness (Matthew 8:12). Jesus himself said that is a place of Extreme Anguish and Regret (Matthew 25:30) and this will Last for Eternity (Revelation 14:11).

The Bible instead says in 1 Corinthians 1:29 - “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” That is, the glory and beauty of heaven is beyond anything we can imagine in this life! But here is the kicker…people will NOT be able to believe or understand that unless you read the following verse (v30) “…(these) things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. ” In other words, this promise of blessings in eternity cannot be received or believed unless you are with and in God as a believer in His promises.

The truth of the matter is that God wants NO ONE to go to hell, but instead that He is patiently waiting for people to realize and receive this free gift of eternal life, and that “(He) is not willing that any should perish (that is, go to hell), but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

Friend, God will not force anyone into heaven that doesn’t want to be there. So will you believe and receive God’s promise of “Salvation and Eternal Safety,” or go with the false promise of the devil of “Partying and Eternal Pleasure?”

That choice is up to you...

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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