Article No. 0800

Not My Will,
But God’s Will

Jesus said, “Abba, Father,
All things are possible for You.
Take this cup from Me, nevertheless,
Not what I will, but what You will.”

Mark 14:36

DecisionPoint Nothing could ever surpass the hardest thing Jesus chose to do knowing he was going to face a horrible death while in the garden of Gethsemane. This was the most difficult assignment possible, but this His submission to His Father was the only way to provide salvation to all mankind. Trying to wrap our minds around this amazing sacrifice is not possible, yet it’s important it is for us to seriously ponder the significance of what obeying God’s will means.

Jesus knew in those dreadful, agonizing moments when he literally sweat blood what he was about to suffer. Yet, instead of giving in to His own will, He accepted the cup given to him and obeyed His Father’s will.

By contrast, consider the times when you have made decisions without asking God first. When you did, were they always the right choice?

The reality is at various times, we all must make difficult choices, and the key is that when we do to put aside our own wishes and submit to God’s will. We do this is by seeking His Will by praying, reading His word and including Him in all that we do.

Friend, God’s way may not always be the Easy Path, but it is always the BEST PATH.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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