Article No. 0798

Big Problems = Big Opportunities

“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine,
That he should defy the armies
Of the living God?”

1 Samuel 17:26

BigProblemBigOpportunity A World War 2 documentary told a fascinating story about a difference in perspective of German pilots that were transferred from the Russian front to France after the invasion of the Allies.

One Luftwaffe pilot said - “In Russia our fuel was limited and opportunities to engage the enemy were few. But now against the British and Americans, the sky is Full of Targets!” However the American pilots said, “Man! “There were so MANY of us, and so FEW of them it was like shootin’ fish in a barrel!!”

So all problems are a matter of perspective...

While the Germans were greatly outnumbered, they saw this not as an Unsurmountable Problem, but instead as a Huge Opportunity.

Likewise the young shepherd boy David did not see Goliath as a difficult target to hit, but an opponent so big he couldn’t miss!

This is how God also wants us to perceive our trials. When you starting realizing that your biggest challenges are actually hidden opportunities, they can take you to a place you could never have achieved if you had not had to go through them.

Friend, be like David and those pilots! See your targets as so big that when you have to face them, you can’t miss!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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