Article No. 0796

The Umbrella

“For he maketh his sun to rise
On the evil and on the good, and
Sendeth rain on the
Just and on the unjust”

Matthew 5:45

CoveredByFaith When it’s raining, you need an umbrella, and as we go through the storms of life there is no better umbrella than the covering of FAITH. However, this umbrella will Not work unless you make a conscious choice to use, depend, and stand under it.

Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the “Evidence of things NOT seen.” Faith is not depending on ourselves, but depending on God. It is the yielding of our own will and strength such that we get to the point of
F.orsaking A.ll I. T.rust

As today’s scripture says, the storms of life fall on all of us, but the only real protection to sustain us through this life and take us to the next is FAITH.

Friend, use the umbrella of faith everywhere you go. Stand patiently under it and trust in God as the only reliable protection when going through the storms of life and you will be able to endure every storm that comes your way.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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