Article No. 0795

What Does God
Want From Us?

“Love the LORD your God
With all your heart and
With all your soul and
With all your strength.”

Deuteronomy 6:5

ObedienceRoadToSafety God wants much more from us than just following His laws. He wants us to desire Him with our whole heart and soul not out of obligation, but with enthusiastic obedience... and here’s why.

The Bible says that God’s heart for us is always our best welfare, protection and safety. Proverbs 21:31 says that “Safety is of the LORD,” and just as our earthy father warns and steers us away from danger for our protection and safety, so does God by giving us his instructions to navigate away from the dangers in this life.

What keeps us safe then is to run away from anything that draws us away from obeying His loving direction towards us. Therefore we must be uncomfortable with sin and do our best not to say or do things that not only grieve our heavenly father, but doing things that place us in harm’s way. If and when we do ignore or disobey His protective oversight we must ask God to forgive us and to help us to redraw closer to Him.

Having a love relationship with God is the most important, intimate relationship you and I will ever have. No one in all this world knows, loves, or cares for us like God. When we are obedient to God we will always avoid making wrong choices if we “Mark out a straight path for (our) feet and stay on the safe path.” (Proverbs 4:26)

The answer to “What does God Want From Us” then is three-fold:
  • First: having a devoted, loving heart
  • Second: walking in obedience and
  • Third: staying on the always true and right path that leads to eternal life

Friend, stay in check to do to all these things and you will not only do what God wants, but in so doing, do what is ultimately the best course for your life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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