Article No. 0794

The Three Essential
Elements of
Physical & Spiritual Life

“The blacksmith works metal over a fire.
His strong arms pounds metal into shape.
But as he works, he gets
Hungry, and Thirsty, and Tired.”

Isaiah 44:12

ThreeElementsOfLife This almost offhanded verse from the Book of Isaiah is a pithy but powerful prose that brings to light a truth that is both temporal and eternal.

Though we may live vibrantly in our mortal bodies, like the blacksmith in this verse, we all will wither in our earthy bodies without food and water, which also is a direct parallel to our spiritual lives. The difference is while lack of food or water can and will end in Physical Death, the absence of the spiritual Food of God’s Word and the Water of the Holy Spirit will in the end lead to Spiritual Death.

There is a TEMPORAL LIFE now in the physical where we are sustained through three elements, and there is an ETERNAL LIFE in the spirit where we are sustained through three elements. Each of these three elements are required for living life now...but also for living into eternity.

Friend, seek BOTH and you will live forever.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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