Article No. 0791

Being IN The World
The World NOT In US

“Be Not
To This World”

Romans 12:2

ShipOnTheSea A wise old saying states that 'The ship IN the Sea is OK, but The Sea IN the ship is NOT OK.' The same can also be said about how we as Christians sail through this world.

As believers and faithful disciples of Christ the Bible warns us that while we are IN the world, we are not to be partakers of or conformed to this world. If we take on the practices and thoughts of the world, we will be just like a ship taking on water — and that is a certain way to sink you spiritually.

Instead it is vital that we always separate thinking, behavior and associations with all world things. Just as 2 Corinthians 7:1 says we must “Purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.“

Friend, separate yourself from the world, as the Bible says:

Be ye Holy, as I Am Holy”
Leviticus 11:44

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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