Article No. 0789

Please Don’t
Forward This Call!

“See to it that you do not
Refuse Him Who Speaks.
For if the people of Israel did not escape
When they refused to listen to Moses
(the earthly messenger)
We will certainly not escape
If we reject the One who speaks to us
From Heaven!

Hebrews 12:25

SendSomeCalls Years ago many business telephones had a feature called “Send All Calls“ that when selected would forward all calls to another extension. However one employee was confused with their new desk phone claiming that they were missing a feature they wanted called 'Send SOME Calls.'

“What do you mean by that?” an amused coworker asked, and the flustered person replied, “I want to only get the calls I want, but not get the calls I don’t want!”

This (true!) story is an example of how some people also view the Bible. They refuse to receive the parts they DON’T LIKE— but will only accept 'The Call' of the parts they do LIKE.

Israel made that same mistake on their way to their promised Holy Land. Instead of receiving and heeding all of God’s 'calls' given to Moses, they ignored the calls they didn’t want to hear and the consequence was forty years of wandering in the desert and never entering the promised land.

However the Bible instead promises us blessings when we 'Answer His Calls' saying:

“Diligently obey the LORD your God…
and all these blessings
will come upon you and overtake you
if you obey the LORD your God”

Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Friend, God’s calls sent out to us always leads in ways that will always HELP and never HARM.

Answer His Call today.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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