Article No. 0788

Are You Willing To
Stand In The Gap?

“Christ Jesus is the one who died
—More than that, who was raised—
Who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is

Romans 8:34

StandingInTheGap The phrase 'Standing In The Gap' means defend or protect something or someone from danger or destruction. As Christian believers, it also means praying for someone who needs God’s help or intervention, especially if they are not able to pray for themselves. This is the heart of intercession.

God is calling all willing to stand in the gap for those in need! So when you hear the Holy Spirit prompt you to pray, don’t delay and answer His call! This takes dedication and effort and the cost is time, energy, and exercising faith even when nothing appears to be happening. That’s what the bible means in Hebrews 11:1 where it tells us that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

There are many things and people we can pray for! For people that do not know the Lord, others struggling with addiction, family or marriage problems, or those that are alone or depressed. Regardless of the challenge stay close to the Holy Spirit and He will prompt you how to intercede and STAND IN THE GAP for those in need.

Patience is the key. You may not see immediate results - which may even take years in some cases - yet the Bible says that “the effectual prayers of the righteous bears much.” (James 5:16)

Friend, just as Jesus is in constant intercession for us, be you also imitators of him.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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