Article No. 0787

Each Other

“That I may KNOW HIM
And the power of his resurrection
And the fellowship of his sufferings
Being made conformable unto his death.”
Philippians 3:10
The Apostle Paul

“And then will I profess unto them:
Matthew 7:23

Jesus Christ

HoldGodsHand There is a dynamic contrast between people regarding how they feel about knowing God.

For the Apostle Paul, his earnest desire was to truly KNOW and be in communion with God, however for others even the thought of a 'god' or a need to recognize him is illogical or unreasonable and not worth their time, consideration or attention. The Bible says that Christ’s stern rebuke to those that do not want to know God will sadly hear after life is over these four tragic words: I NEVER KNEW YOU.

The Bible says that a (true) Friend “Is closer than a brother” and there is no greater friend to have than God himself! However like any close relationship, being in close communion with another person takes time, care, and attention. Relationship with God is not a twice a year or once a week visit to a church but a daily time of quiet time in prayer and listening to God by reading and meditating on His WORD.

Jesus tells us in John 15:7 that as we abide (that is, live or communion) with Him, that we will mature - not only in bringing forth 'good fruit' but also growing in our closeness and relationship to God.

Like Paul, we too need to KNOW Christ, and when we truly know him, He will know us and just like it is in relationship with another person, he can call us friend.

There is no greater freedom and confidence in this life and the next to know and say with joy, 'I Am a Friend of God! He Calls Me FRIEND!'

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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