Article No. 0785

If You Were Arrested For
Being A Christian
Would There Be Enough Evidence
To Convict You?

“Let your light so shine before men,
That they may see your good works, and
Glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

DavidOtisFuller While this thought-provoking question has been widely re-quoted by many great ministers from Billy Graham and even President Jimmy Carter, it is originally attributed to the American Baptist minister, David Otis Fuller of Princeton Theological Seminary and it raises a challenging question on how we live our lives both in and before the world.

As Jesus himself said in today’s scripture verse, as Christians we are to be light in the world to others giving glory to God – but that’s not possible if we conceal it by hiding it from others. (Matthew 5:15)

Being a Christian however is NOT “works-based.” That is, as Christians we should never do things to make ourselves look good or holy or righteous before others, but let the same light, grace, and mercy that is God-given shine forth from us without hesitation or embarrassment.

This brings us all back to this thought-provoking question, which is becoming even more challenging while living in a time where being a disciple of Christ and a faithful believer in God’s Word has become more and more challenging.

If You Were Arrested For
Being A Christian
Would There Be Enough Evidence
To Convict You?

How would OTHERS answer this question?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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