Article No. 0776

What Does Jesus Mean
“Take Up Your Cross
And Follow Me?”

“For whoever would
Save his life will lose it,
But whoever loses his life
For my sake
Will find it.”

Matthew 16:25

TakeUpYourCross Jesus’ command - “Take up your cross and follow Me” is much more than a symbol of the difficulties, frustrations and pain we as humans experience in this life. Taking up one’ s cross and following Jesus is something completely different.

Because the cross was an instrument of death, Jesus is referring to our commitment to Him, even unto death, meaning that our obedience to the extreme measure and willingness to die is a vital part of truly being His disciple.

Death on a cross was extremely painful and humiliating, so as followers of Christ He expects us to likewise be willing to endure pain or humiliation for Him — no matter what the cost.

This word picture of 'taking up your cross' paints for us the concept of “death to self” which originates in another saying of Christ in Luke 9:24-25, “For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?” The truth is that NOTHING in this life is worth keeping if it means losing eternal life! Not a job, family, friends, or even your own identity. Discipleship at the core means DISCIPLINE — No Matter What The Cost — but the eternal reward is well worth the temporary pain.

Friend, taking up your cross to follow Christ simply means commitment and obedience to living a disciplined life of obedience to God even if it means giving up your worldly hopes, dreams, possessions - or even your very life if need be.

Christian, are you willing to Take Up That Cross?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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